
End of Summer Depression: This is when the Herbste Power Force manifests itself

End of Summer Depression: This is when the Herbste Power Force manifests itself

It is known that the summer season is not affected by an end-of-summer depression.
It is known that the summer season is not affected by an end-of-summer depression.


Bare is the past: The summer tends to be the same. Der Abschied did not fall lightly, there were complaints, wollen dem Herbst nicht ins Auge views. An expert was very reliable in the summer.

No time? Blue News fast for these sisters

  • When disease immunity occurs, a person can look forward to depression at the end of summer.
  • Psychiatrist Gregor Hasler finds it hard, depressive and demented are not separated.
  • Heavy duty with the release of the summer can be used while cooking.
  • Experts knew this was true and that was a whole day ago.

«Der August ist wie der sonntagabend unter de Monaten», that has become an online experience. Der Blues schlägt zu, when – entgegen deiner Wunschvorstellung – it was Wunderbares alongsam vorbeigeht, and du der Realität ins Auge schauen mustst: Everything Schöne geht irgendwann zu Ende.

So what about summer? Leader. If this Zeile is read, it is also possible to click. When you are at home, it will never be the case that you become bald with the most beautiful years. But whoever returns all the years must also say goodbye in this year.

2024 is a matter of absolute concern. If it is the case that summer has lasted a while, then it still hasn’t turned out nice. The truth is that his purpose is that he is the one who is able to cope with it, we would like to take his long-term life into account.

The Tschüss is heart-warming – if I see a phenomenon finale, will not pack everything again, but emphasize that with all the unchanging summers, which still will be made müssen. If all goes well, it may be that you have to pay again in September.

When I am in Umfeld, I get a current message, whatever it is. Many others have done that too. It is one of those years when the war plays out or dies End of summer depressionN always a topic?

Abschiednehmen von etwas Geliebtem is always changeable

Letting go is not even for people – before the letting go of the burdens would be more, then the damage under the heart lies. «For both affected people think that at the end of summer, everything good is taken away from them, what they love so much – swimming in the baths, boating or barbecueing», said Gregor Hasler, Professor of Psychiatry at the University of Freiburg and Chief Physician at the Freiburg Network for Mental Health, in conversation with blue news.

If you are dealing with herbs and winter herbs, this is due to the tuning. The expert explains: “When the days became longer, the tuning would become better, and when the days became shorter again – also in August –, the tuning would become lighter.”

Füsse raus: Im summer barfüss oder in openen Schuhen zu gehen, is an unvergleichliches Gefühl of Freiheit.
Füsse raus: Im summer barfüss oder in openen Schuhen zu gehen, is an unvergleichliches Gefühl of Freiheit.


This general sale in the Stimmung-müsse is not bedeuten, while people lead through Leiden, it will be so expensive. «It is not even that the Ganze is quantifiable. It is possible that the disease and the depression are not avoided, so Hasler.

It is a serious depression that appears during the summer period, as the fall begins. However: “People, the depressions are affected by the consequences of the crisis that the herbs will cause.”

Cold can be “burdensome”

Gründe für Verstimmungen zum Ende der schönen Jahreszeit sei einerseits or physiological Effect, that the Tage wieder kürzer and weniger of course Light ausgesetzt since, different from the social aspect. The psychiatrist concludes: «I’m summer if I get more raus, meet themselves with friends in the Badi. I’m Winter is a little more swingy.”

And others may be affected by delaying the temperature. Manche People would experience Kälte as «taxing».

When you do the beautiful things at the winter festivals

If people have a great immunity to people, the man can no longer make any effort to survive for a day. “Affected are some cases of a malfunction and no longer mechanical.”

Hasler-rät, weiterhin in the regularity of use, cleaning and planning the plan, the guttun. Der Experte weiss: «Die Adventszeit, Guetsli, Weihnachtslieder – everything has earned its money, it is a gift in the Winter Highlights.» Once you know that Augen stops, the time you spend will have a positive effect over time.

“And then it’s people, the two weeks you spend in the Karibik or two children in the Sonne guttun.” It seems as if the fragment is taking place, while it is the environment.

Schlechter Sommerstart Schuld an more Verstimmungen?

Depression, the seasonal clause is such that it can become so big in Switzerland, if Hasler dries out. “It is interesting that the winter depression itself is clear and the grim symptoms of other depression are unknown.”

So atypical storylines were said. Influenced essence more, sleep more. The psychiatrist said: “If you have fallen into an art winter story, it is the last years of time.”

Does the August Blues see a grim confluence in those years, while the summer begins such a far-flung war? “Certainly people are best frustrated, if they want to enjoy the days for so long, they will remain so. This experience is no longer depressive, but more of verstimmung and frustration, Hasler finds.

But summer is not over yet. This week has never been so good as the page has been viewed. And: “Otherwise a person can have a better time, if he has not spent the summer so well, it is not so schlimm, in whatever form of loss.”

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