
Who man jetzt Taschen aufpeppt

Who man jetzt Taschen aufpeppt

Zurück zum Ernst des Lebens? Zumindest op de Mode trifft das diesen Herbst nicht zu. It’s a nice punch, loud and wasteful.

Stars say it’s summer before. If Supermodel Gigi Hadid the rotten teppich for the Premiere of the blockbusters “Deadpool” in butter gelbem Bandana top with gleichfärbigem Leather rock by Miu Miu better, the field of the Blick is a special detail of the ensembles.

Other characteristics: on the whole. When you do this, it is called butter gelling Handbag Various baubles: a bangle, a glass heart, an “I Heart NY” attachment or a coral red band.

After years of Silent luxury and the Beige color war is now a fragment of time, or the trend pendulum in other extreme überschlagen würde. And with the active operation of the bunten 2000er you can now see even more: the bunten, teils plüschigen, teils klimpernden Taschenanhänger, the sogenannten Bag Charms.

©REUTERS/Caitlin Ochs

Attractive on Catwalk

“Maximalismus ist zurück”, bestätigt die Wiener Stilexpertin Karima Benamara. Emerging trend in Eastern Europe – a dream for retro fashion and credit debt – and exploring the luxury markets in the emerging collections.

©Karima Benamara

I I you can see more models with decorated bags on the catwalk, the new rodeo bag Balenciaga is with Ketten, übergroßen Schlössern and herzförmigen Karabinern ausgestattet. A Prada has a new small Toy Roboter made of Saffiano Leather and with the three-step Logo.

Narrowly turned around

British singer Lily Allen also presented my caramel braune Hermes Birkin bag Then with the Perlenketten and Seidenschal um the Henkel wound.

And at Singer Dua Lipa Hour teilte the British Vogue, that is a “Jüngerin von Jane Birkin” has become, after all black Birkin bag with red Silk track and a hanging cover.”“Denn de Charm”, my Wiener Imageberaterin Eva Köck-Eripek“Provides a stylish upgrade and a higher level, which requires an individual touch.” And those are hats Fashion Rabbit Jane Birking is done with it.

Fashionable cleaning

When a flight from Paris to London was made in the 1980s, Jane Birkin came across Hermès CEO Jean-Louis Dumas ins Gespräch. Jane beschwerte sich, whoever it is, a bag that she finds, the schick war, aber auch in bedürfnissen as young Mutter court war. If you started in the Flugzeug, a solche bag on a tute is for skiing. 1984 brought Hermès then that Birkin bag for 1,800 euros on the market.

When the name is given in the name, Jane Birkin’s power has no personal advantage. And so they brought Anhänger, Schmuckstücke and Aufkleber an.

In the 2000s, the star of the star was formed Olsen Zwillingen, Paris Hilton Oder Sarah Jessica Parker aufgegriffen. Louis Vuitton, Fendi or Prada-suitable collections were launched in der Folge.

And now understand under the Schlagwort “How to make your Jane Birkin fit bag” (ie. whoever has the Jane Birkin bag) is more of a TikToker, who has the right style again.

With great appreciation for Eva Köck-Eripek: “The Anhänger is the best in the class, a large bag. Then maybe man with some accessories from a Hingucker. Man sollte aber nicht zu maybe used, soon it will come quickly billig aus.”

Cute Everyday Opposition

Mitunter were the accessories that you can buy. Singer Lily Allen Also showed itself with green Birkin Bag, one of the attachments in the form of Pharmaceutical packaging Nurofen forged.

Die London designer Anya Hindmarch Received various unusual Charms, in the form of Stabilo Markern, Duracell batteries or After Eight. With a hard 250 Euro dropped dice Accessories dabei teurer as such manche Taschen. The small Pferdeanhänger von Hermès costs 780 Euro the Miniature Kelly Bag up to 4,000 euros.

But es muss nicht immer teuer sein, meint Style expert Karima Benamara: “Men can rely on flowers, on Etsy or on their own Sachen.” Gerade at Trends is a fact. “Not again, maybe the nächste Saison has gone away.”