
Vehicles for construction must be on Folien stehen

Vehicles for construction must be on Folien stehen

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Vehicles for construction must be on Folien stehen
Gesicherter Standplatz: Betonmischer, the material brought for the foundation of the Otterfinger Windkraft-Turms (hints), erected by Wasserschutz-Auflagen nur on die Spezialfolie stehen. © Andreas Hogeger

More concrete would be applied to protective foil stehen, a Bagger zum Abschaufeln must always be ready: On the three Windkraft-Baustellen in Hofoldinger Forst must be strict Trinkwasserschutz-Auflagen end levels.

Otterfinding – Especially because: Zwar lies about the windkraft standorte of the Bürgerwind Hofoldinger Forst GmbH, which does not have a sensible water safety service, the cleanup of the Schutz des Grundwassers happened in no time. Fremdfahrzeuge wie Betonmischer dürfen now auf Folien parks, an impediment, that is why the Standzeiten Betriebsstoffe ins erdreich gelangen. “A notary must use a Bagger on the Bauplatz to abzugraben a kontaminierte Erdreich zofort”, erklärte GmbH-Geschäftsführer Martin Sterflinger jetzt at an Ortstermin zum Start der Turmbau-Arbeiten at Otterfinger Bauplatz.

Now that the Sauerlacher Windrad is in another Trinkwasserschutzzone (3B), a new Schutzzone is created during the next highway. The last ones connected with Trinkwasserschutz-Auflagen übernahm die GmbH security hall for both Standorte in Otterfing and Aying, the small Schutzzone tangier. Machines on the Bauplätzen can now be used with special Kraft fabrics. Kraft fabric is never stored. “Given the resources you have, come with a tank vehicle,” explains the deceased.

The GmbH is responsible for the production of hydrological construction regulations that regularly weld protocols. Whoever is dying, does not go further than the wax protection standard treatment. The general consideration requires an archaeological, environmental and environmental construction approach.

Archaeological research has been done at Erdarbeiten am Otterfinger Bauplatz tatsächlich eine Überraschung. “We have since had a small Keller stoßen, stored in the concrete walls,” reports Sterflinger. Experts found a solution for the Fund – and ensure implementation. The Verteckte depotwar met unanswered Gründen-irgendwann nach dem Zweiten Weltkrieg entstanden and nicht schützenswert. On Monday, September 2, it took three weeks to concrete three meters above the foundation base. About the 800 cubic meters you can see, you will be able to visit the Markweg between Hofolding and Otterfing, even if the day is complete.

More information about Windradbau in Hofoldinger Find your information here.