
City ordinance gives green light for Beachsporthalle

City ordinance gives green light for Beachsporthalle

Der Sportverein Fortuna Templin 96 e. V. hat Großes vor: There is more than one section of 1250 Quadratmeters in the Templiner Stadium in a Beachsporthalle in Leichtbauweise aimed. The project was financed by financing from the Landessportbund Brandenburg, which has its own ownership of the Vereins. The costs amount to 455,000 euros, the Verein will raise 116,000 euros. The Halle soll auch and other Nutzer vermietet became können. Viele Vereine hatten bereits ihr Interesse bekundet, der Uckermark Kurierberichtete.

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The Landessportbund has placed the financial means of the Goldenen Plan Brandenburg for sports states in Aussicht, but it seems that it is a long-drawn-out strategy for the Fläche that has not existed for so long. The Templiner Stadtverwaltung schlugt a launch of 25 years ahead, with the option of a malicious display, a year later. If the city traffic is green light, an impulse is given.

“Damit is a new Hürde to be taken,” said Frank Köhler, President of SV Fortuna. “We are grateful for all the inconveniences of our country and we can benefit from the Federal Government Policy.”

Volleyball hat in Templin tradition

When the city starts with sports and sports, the Templin can sometimes have an active volleyball match. “The sports hat in Templin tradition. The city was a national performance point for a long time.”

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Fortuna organizes years later in the Borders of the Region the Lübbesee Cup. 2024 has fallen in the Regie des Vereins and a beach volleyball tournament for children and young people in Templin statt.

It is also often the case that a few people – the best training the trainer and coach need – can train in the winter, when the city and the association buy this possibility together.

Vereine can make future plans

The city administration has a long history of the history of the argument of the lease delay, which man bereits in the Vergangenheit eigen Flächen langfristig een ortsansässige Vereine verpachtet beziehungsweise durch Erbbaurecht op Zeit übergeben habe. Dazu offers a number of attractive offers with the Kanussportverein Templin eV, the Segler Club Templin eV and the Verein Anglerfreunde Eichwerder Templin eV zählen. “Dad was able to initiate the Stadt Templin, die Vereine is one of the most important ways to plan and proceed.”