
Ulrich Khuon at the Schauspielhaus: Neubeginn nach Intendanz-Debakel

Ulrich Khuon at the Schauspielhaus: Neubeginn nach Intendanz-Debakel

Ulrich Khuon is busy as interim inspector publishing the mess and polishing the image of the houses. Schafft is that? A visit to the place.

Think of «Wir» statt im «Ich»: The new Intendant Ulrich Khuon, photography behind the Kulissen of the Schauspielhauses Zürich. 24. 04. 2024.

Think of «Wir» statt im «Ich»: The new Intendant Ulrich Khuon, photography behind the Kulissen of the Schauspielhauses Zürich. 24. 04. 2024.

Andrea Zahler / CHM

Dramaturgical session at the Zurich theatre. The temperature is thus drawn narrowly at the end of August of the Zeitplan – and the scene, which the visitor offers, not all: The workers sit in the Kreis and laugh about the new intentions. Or: when these things happen, it is so that the moderation takes place at the shipbuilding festivals, but the Tendenz has its own fragments of the savory herbs.

The Witz has a core of meaning. The answers are indeed, the interim Intendant Ulrich Khuon after Zurich has won the war. On questions, the urges: Who is the complete man who regains the range of learning? Who frees the House of the Image «the house of the awakened»? And who appoints the man who has the Zurich women and Zurich her again?

The history of the Intendanz Stemann/Blomberg zerbrochen are in the Tatort Schauspielhaus – all that is the case of the 73-year-old Theologist Khuon now concentrated. If the «Brückenbauer» is placed in the «Tages-Anzeiger», the CH Media broadcasts appear as «Schlichtungsinstanz» or the «Geheimwaffe».

It was a «Geheimwaffe» that was attacked by Letzte when Ulrich Khuon entered the Sinn-kommt. Vielmehr strahlt der friendly Mann met dem Swabischen Akzent, when there was no question of spitzbübisches Lächeln aufsetzt, it was aus, man am hesten with the anachronistic Wort «Güte» a writing könnte. A disinterested interest in people emerges – you will never go to the Zürcher Publikum again.

So Much Exemplariness

«Everyone says yes, I make theater for the city. And if I think it is so good, Khuon’s clever commentary on the theme is – the statistics are less important than promising Belgium. And indeed. The man who missed the intention of Stemann/Blomberg to be theater-making in the theater, is in the new play with Barbara Weber, Martin Zimmermann and Thom Luz busy with the program. With «Doktor Spielrein» a piece of Zurich history comes to the stage of the theater. Directors are the best retired, while they make new films with dramatists in the Auftrag-geben, and never again has Khuon every ensemble joined the possibility boats, for the duration of his intention to remain at the house. So it was noticed that the form could soon resemble the spirit. But Ulrich Khuon is the seriousness of the matter.

There is a real theater intendant who knits a bit, the Kleist and the Kafka who make the most of the Kühlschrank in the Canteen. “The war will last longer, and the insulting of the accomplices has been reported on all possible channels. If you are in the Geschäftsleitung gemeinsam nachgedingen, erzählt der gebürtige Stuttgarter, nachdem er der Medienbeauftragten and the Journalist in the Kaffee bezahlt, drei Bühnentechnikern frundlich «Guten Tag » what you have seen and how well you have experienced it, there is a Banana Scale that is also correct and not.

‘What was most interesting is the Gruppe. This sozialkünstlerische Verband is for an opaque Impulse, it says. ‘A stabilizer or a sliding group is more than that. It is the first Schritt.» Was there a damn lot, I would begleitet with your Stunde deutlicher, the man Khuon through his theater alltag. Etwas wenn was in the Planungssitzung for the Schiffbau-Fest said: “If they were to meet the limits for their Kurzauftritte if they communicate for minutes, then they themselves became Minutes dauern.” Or if there is an idea, who can hinder man, the public will become herausläuft, “we will make the schauspielerinnen and the schauspieler more and more at ease”.

Dieses Denken im «Wir» statt im «Ich» power there sogar zum Auftakt seiner interimisten Spielzeit with the Uraufführung of Dea Lohers Stück «Frau Yamamoto ist noch da» (Director: Jette Steckel). “It is a real ensemble, which does not give any impulse, but the dynamics of the Darstellende lebt”, erklart is one of the most common studies. We see Alicia Aumüller, Sebastian Rudolph and Matthias Neukirch as an art that Pac-Man sees in his abgezirkelten trains. That is Theater for Sin – and for the Kopf.

Dennoch. The theater productions become after a visit to a Minenfeld world best Khuon. His organizers at the theater were called “woker Einheitsbrei” by an FDP politician, against the Theater Neumarkt is currently running a trend due to massive anti-Semitism. Ulrich Khuon also has to make a fair choice in this period: In 2020, the “Initiative GG 5.3 Weltoffenheit” was fundamentally part of the criticism of the German Bundestag and the anti-Israeli movement BDS (Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions). One of the BDS has held a debate.

“Das Mistrauen und de Unterstellungsbereitschaft, aber auch de Vereinfachung der Diskurse haben zgenommen”, says the Intendant. «Bestimmte Begriffe würde ich am liebsten refuse, zum Beispiel ‹awakeness›. Statt diesez zum Kampfterminus mutierten Ausdrucks sparrows with other Roots, so that they are legs, are in a Problem concrete bestht», it is clear for your coffee sitting. The Mittagessen fell heute aus. It is wise to do this.

The problem is that I

This is a problem that occurred in the 73rd century in the category of “learning knowledge”. If man goes through the world for years, he will learn and learn, if he is a fragmentary fragment. A sudden man gets the Button ‹old, white, heterosexual Man› angesteckt, sämtlich Categories, the infringement is made. If one of the first things does not succeed, it is a mistake, which is a bit maché and other heavy or heavy.»

This Beobachtung von Ulrich Khuon führt zur grundsätzlichen Funktion von Theater. In der Gesellschaft. Und in Zurich. «It is important that the man has invented his own destiny. If you do all the things you can do, if you have mastered another party, it is possible that other people are afraid of other people’s impulses. So the Theater for Zurich is an artistic self-supporting medium. And if so, this is one of the many insights they summarize. Denn, if jeder en jede nur noch sich selber deuten, dann passert en nichts», erklärt der Intendant, der von sich sagt, is sei farbenblind. Was other grelles Rot sehen, nimmt Ulrich Khuon als angenehm zurückhaltenden Farbton wahr.

Schiffbaufest: Freitag, 6. and Samstag, 7 September. Saisoneröffnungsfest im Pfauen: Sonntag, September 15. Freier Eintritt. Info:

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