
Rot-Sünder Rose wieder auf der Tribüne: “Gelobe Besserung”

Rot-Sünder Rose wieder auf der Tribüne: “Gelobe Besserung”

Stubborn Marco Rose wants to enjoy another life with the Schiedsrichter more often and never again. In Leverkusen you see more in the seasonal game of the Gelb-Rote Karte.


Before the game was played in the hotel, coach Marco Rose had lobbed another improvement at scorer Matthias Jöllenbeck, few moments later the front row had been cut short. The emotional Leipzig coach plays a 3:2 match in the top game at Bayer Leverkusen on the yellow red card and has to play out the largest amount of play equipment in the stands.

“I must be completely satisfied with myself. The new rules are clear. I was happy with the first gel in my relationship with them. It was not a good thing,” Rose said at TV-Sender Sky, which is clear and simple: “I am not happy with it” It’s one of those. I earned it in the situation.” Jöllenbeck War was a bull’s-eye and short-lived.

Rose entguilt sich: Was clear, was kommt

Bereits in previous seasons, Rose played four yellow card cards and played a game in the stands. “The wit ist: We have had our own Mittag affected, were in the hotel with the Schiedsrichter. I have been told: Dieses Jahr läuft is different. I must have my own debts and reports, weil am Ende kllar war, was kommt,” said Rose : “I have the Gelb-Rote Karte an, ich gelobe Besserung. Ich bin ich. If I have a good meal, then I can also eat it. In the Fall I have got it.” (dpa)