
“Gehen full on Sieg”: Ready for the Wechsel offensive

“Gehen full on Sieg”: Ready for the Wechsel offensive

A game with a wild backcourt: The 1. FC Kaiserslautern plays Hertha BSC with 3:4 (2:1). Coach Anfang criticizes the Abwehrleistung – and explains, it is not that a punk wanted to be born.

“I was in love with the 3:3 as defense forces and stories were able to survive, and last but not least, they were able to carry on with the Doppelspitze trotzdem”, described Markus Beginning The situation is that they fell for the first time by Boris Tomiak with Ragnar Pijn and Jannik Mause with fresh Stürmer on the Rasen schickte. “I have my own environment, then we will be able to deal with it and then we will be able to say: Nein, we will be full of the Siege. I will be happy, we will win the game, we will be able to do it ourselves 4:3. Deshalb habe If so, then it’s a good idea to end.”

Anfang: “Wir müssen besser am Mann veridigen”

The FCK does not want to play the game, stand at the end with leather hands in the 79th. Minute Michael Cuisance the 4:3 for Berlin erzielte. German criticism of the Lautrer Chief coach not only because of these hits at the defensive level of his eleven. “It is one of the three Towers that can only go a little in the direction of the Mann. The war continues to the Spielen in Ulm and continue. It is so that it will go like this, but it will be in the first Halbzeit so that it goes like this. If you do not know what you want, you can do one of the most interesting things in your life, if you have no idea of ​​the game anymore.

It is with the Begriff Spectacle that it is written. After the vacation of the host family you can the Rotte Teufel bis zur Pauzeren during Tore von Philipp Klement and Aaron Opoku who leave the party. After a few minutes in the course of time were then the Berliner in the drücker and played twice double in 3:2. Weder came die Lautrer but back. After Boris Tomiak had made the four goals for the men in Rot in the Luft, he was ready. And if you have 3:4, you can no longer see the guest, the chances are that everything will go well.

Opoku: “A classic Betze-Spiel”

“It was a classic game. We had a lot of fun here, but everything was possible. At the end of 3:4 you would lose it, but it is unsatisfactory. I think, we would like to play games, and that’s the game on our side.” seeing is no longer like that Aaron Opokuder who brought Lautrer to Führung with a submitted abschluss and with Hilfe des Innenpfosten-kurz before the Pause with 2:1.

The next time you feel the pain and the next week’s pause, you will be happy with the effects of the dynamic after the 3:3: “If you have a natural environment, then you will be able to enjoy it them Hertha dann wieder trifft, ist eeninfach unglucklich.”

Ritter: “The only Gegentore needs our support”

Marlon Ritter erklärte: “For a neutral war is one of the most beautiful Samstagagend. For our hatte is auch a cleaner Abend was können, wenn wir not so probably a single gegentore zugelassen hätten. That’s what, we were prepared for it. We’ll have to look into it That Chances it’s not that it might be a good idea to play a good game, but it’s not that it’s a story so play who it is and then auch nor hinten besser veridigen, then bin ich If we look at our punk dens, says the FCK captain.

“Wir hatten een Heimspiel and the Stadion war im Heimbereich wieder auskauft. Da sieht man, wie die Leute Lust haben. If there was an unglaubliche Stimmung and ich glaube, that is still, if 3:3 steht, that is a bisschen If all goes well, it may be that the game no longer works and that the person no longer functions, that is the ball we have wollen, that is if you play the game with control and if you forget the ball, you can immediately get the ball to play.”

» Zum Video: Press conference after the home game against Hertha BSC

Source: The Betze brings

More links to the topic:

– Spektakel ohne Happy End: FCK under Hertha 3:4 (Der Betze brennt)