
Gespaltene Goethestadt vor Wahlen in Thuringia

Gespaltene Goethestadt vor Wahlen in Thuringia

“Ilmenau – Himmelblau”: The Motto of the Goethestadt in Thuringia could be used in the political reality of the Landtagswahl. Liegt der AfD-Zulauf und de Teilung der Ortschaft?

In Ilmenau the Akademische Viertelstunde is not the norm. At 6.14 pm a Diesem Mittwoch started the Podium Discussion at the Landtagswahlen in Auditorium Maximum, the major lessons of the ansässige Technische Universität. Due to “technical problems” with the live stream that is the leader, the moderator, who plays as “Marieke”, says into the microphone.

When the Veranstaltung began, one of the next elections began for the political interests of the SPD, FDP, Grüne, CDU, Linke and AfD focused on Sache. “Vervollständigen Sie bitte den Satz: ‘Es soll nie wieder … passeren'”, Marieke recommends that Diskutanten auf. Jens Dietrich, the AfD-Spitzencandidate in the South African Ilmkreis, answers: “Frieden und gesellschaftlichen Zusammenhalt”.

“That’s not what happened again?”, Marieke parries so smoothly. Look at the 60 studies and TU studies in the Hörsaal laughing. Jens Dietrich has gone through the facts with a “Nein” to come back and point out, “that it is not war money and no other things that can be sold otherwise, the heart that is traced” will be used.

Die Podiumdiscussion an der TU Ilmenau. Ganz links Marieke, the AfD politician Dietrich on the right cannot lie in Schlingern.Enlargement of the images
Die Podiumdiscussion an der TU Ilmenau. Ganz links Marieke, the AfD politician Dietrich on the right cannot lie in Schlingern. (Quelle: Kloft)

But the situation was prepared in the world. It was clear before that time: the AfD politician is here and the TU Ilmenau is in the abseil position.

The seminary and the university look at the image in the AfD if they are different. Die Stadt is politically speaking.

Am Sonntag stehen Landtagswahlen in Thuringia en: Auch in Ilmenau dürfte die Partei, deren Thüringer Landesverband als gesichert right-extreme ainstuft wurde, auf einen deutlichen zweisttelligen Prozentwert kommen. First with the Kreistagswahl, the AfD would be the best Kraft in the Ilmkreis with 14 years.

t-online has fragmented the Sinus-Institut and its partner MB Micromarketing: Which representatives of the interest group of the Bundeslandes Thuringia in the future? One of the results: Ilmenau. Find out more here.

The Spitzenkandidaat Björn Höcke has become bald by the minister presidents of the Freistates, but is incomprehensible. The AfD can enter into the fight with the political battle between the Zünglein and the Waage Sein. If someone in Ilmenau befürchtet, the motto “Ilmenau – Himmelblau” would become a political reality.

How is the AfD-Zulauf doing in Ilmenau? A 39,000-inhabitant city, in the Goethe style, where his poem “Over allen Gipfeln ist Ruh” and the Wall of the Jagdaufseherhäuschens on the Kickelhahn were written?

It is the railway company, which goes through the Ort führt and the German city power.

Auf der Rechts are located on the outskirts of the campus of Thuringia’s only technical university. More than 4,400 study results are here Vorlesungen and Seminare für Elektrotechnik, Maschinenbau or Informatik. Etwa die Halfte kommt aus dem Ausland. There were times when there was a technical college here in the GDR. There is a start-up Schmiede on campus.

Bahnschiene durch Ilmenau: Left tie "old Ilmenau"to the right of the TU.Enlargement of the images
Train connections through Ilmenau: Left to “alte Ilmenau”, right to the TU. (Quelle: Kloft)

The Unigelände mit seinen zahlreichen Beton- und Glasbauten ist an diesem Mittwoch – dem 275. Geburtstag Goethes – jedoch verwaist: Es since Semesterferien. On campus, most of the study was a success, the podium discussion started or an organization was active – who was Fabian de Planque.

Der 33-year studies in Master Maschinenbau an der TU, hofft, sein Studium Mitte nächsten Jahres abzuschließen. Planque de Zulauf for the AfD. “Man must show, the AfD will be a democratic party.” People do not think about studying with the other parties that introduce themselves to the student.

The Kommilitone Falk Matthes is not impressed by the right-wing populist politics Dietrich speaks out about this. “But that’s something you hear now”, says the 34-year-old, as a student consultant and university student and says of himself, “left-wing” to say. Both discussions are usually based on the AfD, which the TU loses an attractiveness for the American study, if the party wins a Zulauf again.