
Ärzte im Rentenalter zum Weiterarbeiten groen: Reinhardt fordert unbürokratische Anreize

Ärzte im Rentenalter zum Weiterarbeiten groen: Reinhardt fordert unbürokratische Anreize

Berlin. The president of the Federal Chamber of Physicians (BÄK), Dr. Klaus Reinhardt, has examined the problems of general health care with the possibility of being of use to colleagues and colleges. This response came on the date of the Ärzte Zeitung. The Auswertung-zeigt: Prepared a handsome threesome of the female and male doctors, the 65 years old or older are, are still professional. In the old group 65 to 74 years an amount of 42,600 dollars is spent, the time that it no longer works, can have a larger fortune or be won in the Versorgung back.

„Die Untersuchung der Ärzte Zeitung zeitung, dass velde Ärztinnen und Ärzte auch im Ruhestandsalter nor in the unmittelbaren Patientenversorgung tätig since. Vermutlich where there are no more students and colleges than 65 years of age, they are more likely to practice – they are more likely to have limited living time during their stay. These potential problems can arise when troubleshooting troubleshooting. If you have something, it is attractive and an unbureaucratic undertaking for everyone. If you are aware of the interests of policy in politics, you must take into account the social simplification of the rules after thinking, but those matters and matters in your labor force and your Swiss enterprise are further incorporated into the vers orgung. “

Reinhardt has given his thoughts on the way he played a Mediziner in the game, one of the loan changes he motivates.

Viele hören roads hoher Arbeitsbelastung auf

Dr. Dominik von Stillfried, from the preparatory course of the central institutions for cash flow management, spoke about the analysis of the market newspaper with: “There is a part of the group that has taken over the practice with alternative methods. By listening to the current situation, you have to pay the labor tax if you are high and the compensation if you are low.”

The Arbeitsbelastingung is no longer a question of time with patients and patients, under administrative support, personal management and non-functional IT infrastructure. „Somit“, according to Von Stillfried, „were perhaps a bit of a problem with half of the young entrepreneurs with a certain time frame for the care of the ‘reactivators’, if the management of the company would take the first steps and the company would start with the German better gütet würde.“

Beispiele dafür gebe es in der Akutversorgung, etwa in Bereitschaftsdienstpraxen, in denen Ärztinnen and Ärzte im Ruhestand als Poolärztinnen and -ärzte tätig sind.

In absolute terms, the estimate can be used: Nimmt man das von der Ärzte Zeitung errechnete Potenzial der bound 42,600 Ärzte zwischen 65 und 74 Years op Grundlage, könnten etwa 14,000 bis 21,000 Kolleginnen und Kollegen zum Wiede- oder weiterarbeit and bewegt werken.

As the Marburger Bund points out, further work is only an expensive option if it is no longer possible to have a high Arbeitsbelastingung and Personalengpasse de Alltag.

“If we continue to work longer, the power of the Arbeitsbedingungen will decrease,” the MB explains. „The Bereitschaft may be grundsätzlich, perhaps Ärztinnen and Ärzten geben, die in ihrem Beruf auch eine Berufung sehen. This Bereitschaft is a Voraussetzungen knüpft: Wer vor dem Ruhestand unter schwerten Beingungen workbeitet hat, weil beispielsweise not as well Personal zur Verfügung stand, wird nach dem eigentlich can Ruhestand little spürzuhalten, if Notnagel againzuhalten.’ Good Workbedingungen dürften es versherum leichter , Take care of it that you stay motivated. (bwa/heib)