
Confidence in the E-Scooter will be considered great and valuable.

Confidence in the E-Scooter will be considered great and valuable.

– The European Commission has published a documented document in the description of the E-Scooter Technology which provides detailed information.

E-scooter market offers robust support for the industry.

“The market for E-Scooters has not yet reached its potential potential,” said Alexander Jung, a representative of the Micro Mobility Group within the shared mobility interests. There is a great party, the damage to the E-Scooter is still greater.

In the year 2022, the platform will cost 75.1 million E-Scooter-Fahrten von ihren Mitgliedern untermommen. This Zahl will remain 80 million in a short time in the year 2023, the Australian a major Offer, Tier, aus der Vereinigung.

Micromobility is seen as the adoption of compact and lighter vehicles, mainly in urban areas.

Branching direction

All things find themselves that Branch in a Walk. Laut Jung has given the Phase of the Maximum Expansion a hint about the gelassen. Now is a challenge, the best of the best Fuhrparks that are effective, is that the rent of the primary Soul for Anbieter is.

The rental is separated, a capital surcharge and a long-term registration are reduced. Take into account the degree of difficulty, while the Fuhrparken have remained relatively constant in recent years. The Association currently estimates that the number of E-Scooters of their members in Germany is around 200,000.

Die Anzahl der Anbieter hat abgenommen. In January übernahm Tier de englisch-Französischen Konkurrenten Dott. Jung, der mit dem Sharing-Anbieter Lime zammenarbeitet, schliest weitere Übernahmen nicht aus. “Consolidation within the sector is more important in a changing trend,” says.

Allerdings invest unternehmen schwer in new Vehicles, Technology and better Kundendienste. “We’re going to be more relaxed,” said Jung.

Split municipalities

Communities must also adapt. If you are doing an all-round hiking and walking tour through management, it is possible that there is still considerable skepticism, if there is no attack on the E-Scooter.

Kürzlich verknüpfte die Stadt Gelsenkirchen in North Rhine-Westphalia, the special nutritional needs of the customers die with the verpflichtenden Verifizierung der Nutzeridentität, a Missbrauch and Fehlverhalten besser überwachen zu können. Bolt and Tier, both are involved in suspending their service and reichten Klage ein.

I don’t think Gelsenkirchen has found any complettes, and a trend has not been recognized in other German cities.

Jung: Modernization der Stadtischer Räume Erforderlich

A basis for the skepticism, which are made of many other street users, is the Art and the Weise, with E-Scooter-Driver in his vehicle-handhaben. Verlassende scooter on the way to a new and young person, which goes over the bordsteine-fahren, is one of the many problems.

Jung was able to solve this problem by developing an urban infrastructure: “The better the infrastructure, the less obstruction there is in driving.” If there is a speed limit of 50 km/h and no bicycle highway, e-scooters and bicycle riders often use the highway.

Dies gilded for the parks. The Prinzip since more Parkplätze for Scooter inheritance orderlich, especially on the Road, was a Umwidmung von Parkplätzen für Autos erorderern würde.

The environmental benefits of E-Scooter are nothing more than complete.

If you see that the e-scooter is a bigger factor in the travel world, you can think about the study that the German Umweltamtes have undergone. These studies have taught us that the E-Scooter is an alternative to a simple alternative to carfahrten.

All sorts of arguments for young people, these analyses are not true. When the e-scooter has now become carfahrten, it cannot be significant by the reduction of CO2 emissions, when it is used as an alternative. If the E-Scooter has an intermodal effect, the operation of the electric scooter is possible: “Your traffic advantages are long known.”

In a transport project in the year 2022 of the Deutsche Institut für Urbanistik gemeinsam with others Forschungseinrichtungen zu dem Schluss, that the Emissions impact of E-Scooter null liegt, that was the case again Emissions save nor zätzliche Emissions erzeugen.

I have done the verification of the utility identity for the E-Scooter Providers with the regulatory authorities of the City of Gelsenkirchen in Germany, a missed need of the überwachen, was the Service Suspension of Bolt and Tier führte.

Trotz Herausforderungen in de beste Gemeinden-plädiert Jung for the modernization of the city, an E-Scooter Unterzubringen, the infrastructure has been expanded and the responsibility-full einsatz of the ground, beispielsweise by the Bereitstellung of more Parkplätzen on the Straße.

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