
Thuringia: Start for the European Day of Jewish Culture in Erfurt

Thuringia: Start for the European Day of Jewish Culture in Erfurt

Start for the European Tage der Jüdischen Kultur in Erfurt

In those years, European culture began with nothing more than an official office in Thuringia’s state capital.

Erfurt (dpa/th) – De European Tage der Jüdischen Kultur eröffnen heute offiziell in Erfurt. One of the Neuen Synagogue imagines the Veranstalter and verschiedene jüdische Stätten, with the Stadtverwaltung Mitteilte. City in 20 European Ländern is in Diesem with 300 Veranstaltungen bei the Kulturtagen dabei. The initiator is the European Association for Erhaltung en Förderung der jüdischen Kultur en des jüdischen Erbes (AEPJ). A Grund voor de Eröffnung in Erfurt is de Welterbetitle, de Unesco der Stadt over the years in his judische-mittelalterlichen Bauten-zuerkannt-hatte.

The part of the Veranstaltungen in Erfurt is the Vorstellung a new route in the network of AEPJ, with the jüdische Erbe Europa entlang von streckennetzen Swiss places marked. Neben Erfurt continues with places in Thuringia, Germany and Ausland on the new route, which follows the traces of the European Jews in the middle.

So since Mainz, Worms and Speyer with the sogenannten of their Welterbe zählenden Schum-Stätten and much more Orte Teil der Strecke. “With all these efforts, we have spent a lot of time together and lived our lives together, in which case we can make a living together,” said Erfurt’s Unesco Beauty Treaty Karin Sczech.

The European Day of Jewish Culture has been organized in September since 1999. With Konzerten, Lesungen, Führungen and other Veranstaltungen the Bedeutung and the Vielfalt des Judentums will be examined.