
“Sehr überschaubare” Motivation and “bequemer Weg” among others Ende der Welt

“Sehr überschaubare” Motivation and “bequemer Weg” among others Ende der Welt

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Actively join the Ski Community in Neuseeland for the World Cup. The beds are modest.

Coronet Peak – In round eight weeks it is so good: The Ski World Cup is upgraded. In Sölden the first Race of the Season is traditionally celebrated. A ski holiday in late August in Europe is but not really conceivable. The temperature is 30 degrees and the temperature is not as high as Seltenheit in Central Europe.

Marcel Hirscher bricht Trainingslager in Neuseeland ab

Completely different on the Südhalbkugel. If you want to make the ski trip in the world of summer and another end of the world, go to the new season. In Chile, Argentina or Neuseeland you will experience good winter relationships with ideal training and piste conditions.

So mindest that Wunschvorstellung. In Neuseeland you can enjoy the anxiety of the Ski Stars. Top-Star and World Cup Rückkehrer Marcel Hirscher who have abbrochen the roads of the bad Schnee- and Wetterbedingungen signal Trainingslager in advance.

In New Zealand it is bigger.
In Neuseeland there is Ärger. © IMAGO/Rafael Ben-Ari/ Chameleons Eye

Ski-Stars in Neuseeland: Heartfelt Criticism of Organizers

Besides the Organizers of the Race Series in Neuseeland, they are also involved in the recruitment process. Ben Mittwoch competed in a women’s and men’s giant slalom in Coronet Peak.

The program of the weiblichen Ski-Asse boxte man noch durch, das der men is a sin in the Wasser. “The slopes are very rewarding for male racing and also for female racing,” says Paul Epstein, Chief Trainer of the Global Racing Ski Teams.

More information needs to be collected

And the organizers can find the right way. The criticism: a “very überschaubare” Motivation for the Pistenpreparierung. Also Günther Birgmann from Team Clif Racing Academy in German: “The organizers have lost their way. If the weather is good, then everything is fine. But experience, know-how and greater effort are fragmented, the Veranstalter fail in Coronet Peak.”

Of the ursprünglich four planted, you can run at the Mannern bislang nur eins statttfinden, at the Damen still two. The four other races of the “Alpiner Australia New Zealand Cup 2024” in Australia were very successful… (kk)