
12 Tage Kreuzfahrt England, Schottland & Norway: 🍀 The Happy Journey in Steinen um die Welt 🍀Kirkwall – Part 6

12 Tage Kreuzfahrt England, Schottland & Norway: 🍀 The Happy Journey in Steinen um die Welt 🍀Kirkwall – Part 6

If Scotland leaves the country, it will be a Kirkwall-niece-before. The big city of the Orkney Archipelago is Kirkwall with ca. 7000 Eenwohnern and we were today our 3. Besuch here abstatten. The last years of Wikinger are Fleckchen Erde in 11.
Hundreds of years after the current rock of the Norwegian settlement: Kirkjuvagr ⛪️ Buy the church. St. Magnus Cathedral is imposing in the Stadtbild empire. The Einkaufsstraße and the secretive cafés are loaded with the Cathedral for shopping and relaxing. The Umland der Stadt was formed in the ‘Heart of Neolithic Orkney’. A collection of cultural monuments and tranquil landscapes were waiting for its visitors.
As we know Stonehenge, it is one of the Rings of Brodgar, which
a henge on the Orkney Islands is. The breakthrough of the Kreis engellegten Steine ​​​​has reached 104 meters and the Ring of Brodgar has become larger than Stonehenge. Originally there were 64 stones, of which 27 are still present. The ring was destroyed around 2700 BC. If the Ring of Brodgar has fallen like Stonehenge, this is not so bad. When time has passed, the legend will still be in the beautiful St. Magnus Cathedral at 12. Also as a “Light of the North” the gilded church can be one of the most beautiful middle-aged buildings in North Scotland. I want there to be room for one of the current Häusern-vorbei. It is so that if you will travel in the course of time and will read the other legends about the Mauern. The ruins of the 12th century are aligned and in the course of time the Bishop’s Palaces have never been so well viewed. In the northwest of the Palaces you will find the Moosie Toor, a higher round tower, from which a more fantastic view of the city is offered. In an unobstructed state of Earl’s Palace, the evil Stammsitz of the Herrscher von Orkney. This is gilded as the largest example of French Renaissance architecture in Scotland. Gemütlich schlenden will still through the Gardens of Tankerness House, where today the Orkney Museum is behind it and more and more Gesang 🎤 and the Klang a Gitarre 🎸. My lucky stone 🍀möchte a friend found a leitet mich direkt zu Danny, the spiritual street musician. (Danny is Hebrew and means “God is my Judge”. Daniel war in the Old Testament of the Fourth of the Four Great Prophets.) Cool Musician Danny is 55, spent 20 years in Kirkwall and has not come together with his songs. There are many things in the universe and it will both be one of our spiritual connections that comes to us. Spontaneous singing 🎶 🎤 with songs 🎵 Knockin’ on Heaven’s Door and the Glückstein wechselt den Besitzer.🍀Danny is a glückliches Bündel a positiver Energie😇There is a lot of life, music around the clock 🕰️ and often communicates with them iner betorbenen Mutter en den Brüdern auf Wolke7 ⛅️. It is a fact that there is a small amount of money that is not greater than that of the Glückstein 🍀 living in the Gitarrenkasten, the animiert is that Zuhörer zum Spenden🍀🍀🍀. Danny played his guitar and mache again on the way to Irgendwo. I wasn’t there yet, but it’s on my list🙃

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