
The Hinterschwepfinger company benefits from the Zugspitze

The Hinterschwepfinger company benefits from the Zugspitze

  1. innsalzach24-de
  2. Innsalzach
  3. Burghausen region
  4. City Burghausen

The Hinterschwepfinger company benefits from the Zugspitze
Wolfgang Sigrüner at the Dach Schneefernerhaus – 300 meters below the Gipfel of the Zugspitze. © Hinterschwepvinger.

There is a mix of company and patience in the German Baustelle department: Polier Wolfgang Sigrüner (59) from Unterneukirchen between the two and concretes for the Hinterschwepfinger company from Burghausen on the high Baustelle Deutschlands – now a few meters below the Gipfels der Zugspitze.

Burghausen / Zugspitze – Wolfgang Sigrüner (59) from Unterneukirchen-arbeitet and one of the ungewöhnlichsten Bauprojekte Deutschlands: At an altitude of 2,650 meters and about 300 meters below the Gipfels der Zugspitze concrete is an Anbau des Schneefernerhauses. Since 30 years it has been achieved for the company Hinterschwepfinger-tätig – but a work place who does not care for Sigrüner nor nie. Gerade is one of the indisputable water flows for the concrete industry, which allows the highest Baustelle Deutschlands to undergo some other exceedance.

A Building of the Superlative

The Schneefernerhaus on the Zugspitze, the highest hotel in Germany, is the highest station for a place to stay and a great accommodation and a great experience. The small street, which was his construction site, was one of the possibilities that the concreteness of a logistic mastery became. “Normally the deck would be finished within two hours”, said Sigrüner. But on the Zugspitze is not normal. The Concrete is transported in 25 kg bags by the cable car transport and used with a small pump. If the washer no longer works, straighten it out. The rich tourist experience of sunshine and snow on the beautiful Zugspitzplatt and gastronomy enjoys the pleasures of Wasser. Dad will not come with more additional water pressure on the Schneefernerhaus an. “That’s the thing, that man has a normal Baustelle don’t think of anything,” said Sigrüner.

Fighting against the elements

While the tourists enjoy the sun and the snow on the Zugspitzplatt, Sigrüner and his team fight for it, the work fortify. More phone calls and a small part of the time is one of the active ball tanks and it is always the case that the laundry can be expanded and the work can be strengthened. In the interior of the Schneefernerhauses is a machine one of the machine and pump machine and an unermüdliche bag a bag in the device. Once you have learned a palette, you should know that the Tür zum Stollen der Zugspitz-Zahnradbahn geöffnet werden. “That’s your perfect holiday, we enjoy the pleasure of everything else,” Sigrüner explains. Despite the work I am Snürchen – 15 How long the game lasts, until the deck is finally fruitful.

The highest Baustelle Deutschlands is located on the Schneefernerhaus and runs 300 metres below the Zugspitze summit.
The highest Baustelle Deutschlands is located on the Schneefernerhaus and runs 300 meters below the summit of the Zugspitze. © Hinterschwepvinger

A night at 2,650 meters

The sun continues, the tourists leave the mountain, and a little peace spreads over the Zugspitze. For Wolfgang Sigrüner and his team, the Arbeitstag is not yet in the End. If you spend the night in the Schneefernerhaus, with your own knowledge, you will die here. “That is a special experience”, Sigrüner gives. The silence, the clear air, the majestic view – everything is a fact for the music of the Tages. If you continue tomorrow, the schedule is English. The facade of the new Anbaus is still fertile for the frost. “Wir haben nicht fell Zeit, der Winter is still beautiful for the Tür”, said Sigrüner. But it is clear. With the blessing experience and the know-how blessing teams it is certain that this re-expedition will be masterful.

Nor since the work on the roof of the new building is possible: Auf 2,650 m is the frost-free window for a few weeks.
It is still frost-free and the worker can work on the roof of the new Anbaus works. © Hinterschwepvinger

Flexibility and patience are fragmented

The work in the Schneefernerhaus is an example of the high art of building under extreme conditions. Despite all the difficulties, the construction site is fully in time plan – a merit of people with Wolfgang Sigrüner, who every day on new in your borders-locks, a simplicity of the power of your machine. If the handgrip makes a mistake, a number of projects can be carried out on the German mountain mountain.