
Verb: E-Scooter-Nachfrage stigt – ‘Keine Eintagsfliege’ Von dpa-AFX

Verb: E-Scooter-Nachfrage stigt – ‘Keine Eintagsfliege’ Von dpa-AFX

BERLIN (dpa-AFX) – The Anbieter von E-Scooter sees all discussions running on the Elektroroller and the economical changes in the industry and the future. “Die Mikromobilität-kratzt noch mal an dem Potenzial, was eigentlich poglich ist in der Zukunft,” says Alexander Jung, Speaker of the Arbeitsgruppe Mikromobilität at the Interessenverband Platform Shared Mobility. “Die Nachfrage wächst von Jahr zu Jahr.”

In the year 2022 the platform has been sold that 75.1 million costs with the E-Scooter in its length has reached. In the year 2023 there have been 80 million dollars and that is possible with the third degree of a larger Provider from the Association have occurred. As Micromobility the use of small and light vehicles for all in urban areas has been marked.

Further branches in the area

Gleichwohl finds his branch further in Umbruch. “If you see that the time of maximum waiting times is over. It is a challenge to get the best results from the most efficient deployment. Profitability is the central Soul of the Providers”, Jung concretely.

The profitability is high, a long term of capital investments and subsidies that are granted. The Flots look over the years by the strong points that have remained constant. The association currently estimates the price of the E-Scooter for both its own members in the whole of Germany at around 200,000.

The Zahl der Anbieter is hinged zurückgegangen. Not until January is the level of the Niederländisch-French Wettbewerber Dott-übernommen. Weitere übernahmen schließt Jung, der auch für the Sharing-Anbieter Lime tätig ist, nicht aus. “The trend for consolidation has stopped, that is the end of the industry”, says it.

The number of foreign investments fell: in more modern services, new technologies, services for knowledge and expertise. “We are not a day flight,” said Jung.

Allmähliches Umdenk in Communes

Darauf must settle in the city and the municipality. Black is a much better idea of ​​a thought and a greater Kooperationsbereitschaft at Verwaltungen. If you ask yourself in a number of cases a big skeptical question about the possibility, the E-Scooter was originally.

Zuletzt had the Nordrhein-Westfälische Stadt Gelsenkirchen linked the Sondernutzungserlaubnis for the Offerer and a mandatory Identity Presence of Nutzerinnen and Nutzer, a Missbrauch and Fehlverhalten better follow-up zu couldennen.

They both work together, Bolt and Tier, call the shots and complain about the maßnahme. A grundsätzliches word given in Paris is in Gelsenkirchen nicht and zeichnet sich auch in others deutschen Städten bisher nicht ab.

Jung: Neuaufteilung des Straßenraums nötig

A Grund für die Skepsis, which are many other verkehrsteilnehmer stories, is the group with E-Scooter by Fahrerinnen and Fahrer. Achtlos abgestellte Fahrzeuge auf Gehwegen or der for Einfahrten anyway over Bürgersteige rasende Jugendliche heard after who for zum Alltag.

We can understand the problem of Jung’s problem about a new development of the Straßenraums in the Griff: “You can find the infrastructure, the problem that arises is with the freshness of the Fahrt.” Dort, where 50 meters and no bicycle lanes are placed for the purpose of implementation, which E-Scooter, but also bicycle riders on the way out.

It is a gel for the Theme Parks. In principle, more parking areas are necessary for the Scooter. This must all happen on the street and the parking areas must be expanded.

World Nuts Controversial

Environmental play of an e-scooter in the sale of the Jungs If you want to play a different role, then the cooperation and the cooperation with the Umweltbundesamtes dies. Diesenstudies for an e-scooter are now an alternative to an electric scooter and a new one in the largest autofahrten.

From the perspective of the young, these analyses show a modified status ab. If the car is not yet equipped, the E-Scooter will produce less CO2, if it is used by the repair and the business activities, if it is used for the use of the fuel. E-Scooter also works intermodally, also as a source for public passenger transport: “Your traffic benefits have long been known.”

The Deutsche Institut für Urbanistik, together with other Research Institutes in Rahmen, is conducting a Traffic Project 2022 zu dem Schluss, which is the Emissionswirkung of the Tretroller in etwa bei null liege, also re-emissions during this part of the war, nor sister events.