
Lufthansa Promotion: First class seats at Lufthansa Tour Swiss could cope with weight problems | 01.09.24

Lufthansa Promotion: First class seats at Lufthansa Tour Swiss could cope with weight problems | 01.09.24

At Lufthansa-Tochter Swiss, machines are new for first class since 2025, so this is a problem with the weight of machines.

Deshalb sollen dain Bleiplatten zur Schwerpunktkorrektur eingebaut zijn.

The trend in the air force is more private atmosphere in the Ersten and Business class, such as Swiss-Sprecherin Meike Fuhlrott. However, the seats would always become lighter, while the seats in the economy class would always become lighter: “These lower weight requirements contribute to the smooth transition of the passenger compartments in the flue.” Bleipplatten solen das Gleichweight wieder mend. Affected by Airbus A333 machines. This is the coverage of the messages from the Medienhauses “CH Media”.

If Sitze became, the man now has a treasure weight, like Fuhlrott. The genaue weight is the first party, if everything goes well.

More weight is needed for the flug sows in order to achieve a higher level of treibstoffverbrauch. It is a Spannungsfeld, Kundenwünsche, Wirtschaftlichkeit and Umweltverträglichkeit aufeinander abzustimmen, sagte die Sprecherin. Swiss power on long-term flights in first class can be offered, the absolute privacy of guests.



Bildquelle: 360b /,Christopher Parypa /,Jorg Hackemann /