
Chef Renardo Schlegelmilch im Porträt

Chef Renardo Schlegelmilch im Porträt

“The most exciting place for me is the radio studio. Here the man plays with the music, with his own voice and music without compromising on technical clarity.” When Renardo Schlegelmilch takes over his Leidenschaft, the previous one for the Hörfunk, is appointed, is also in many cases, the new chef of DOMRADIO.DE with his hat. If the first look at one of the 35-year-olds with a targeted lebhaft begins, a personal path to “Abenteuer Journalismus” is one of the most prominent conversation partners, which has begun in the course of time. Then reports is a report from foreign insätzen in the Vatican, in the USA, in Turkey, in Egypt, Namibia, in Kosovo and in the Near East. Or there is an anecdote to the best, who is with the larger world-experience hat.

When I did that, in the Catholic Central protection and the Roman Auswirkungen on the entire World Church, a religious Krisenherde, Gewalt in God’s Will, have become Schlegelmilch’s Special Area. And then it is a lie to choose for yourself and stop with the “Epizentrum” active news, such as a conversation partner with a universal view of an end goal. The focus on that goal was so parallel to the German Catholic approach that it also does not abspelelt, that the Blick over the own Kirchturm-hinaus goes, grainy with my mit dem Wunsch, the big ganze in the Blick zu behalten – and that is always with the Anspruch eines new, but for all his professional ethos verbflichteten Reporters. Saubere Recherche, unpredicted reporting, informative Interviews are original and innovative Ideas – that’s the story behind the changes between Moderators and Authors.

Radio machines are made by his passion

As a 13-year-old, more or less, they can go to the offensive channel “Wartburg Radio”, the regional variant of the burgerfunk, accompanied and produced the first radio broadcasts. Here in the Thuringian Eisenach, we were born and in a GDR-typical Plattenbau-aufwächst, schnuppert is zum eerste Mal Radioluft and becomes schon kale Lust, the honorary office of professional Fuße zu stellen, the hobby zum bereisu. Radiomachen with Passion Wird – we have an acoustic experience here, there is a hint of the microphone that can and not the offensive view of my power can give, but it is a spark that can be seen and a strong brilliant action – on their rights is pointed out blindly, this link has a Sehkraft of nur zehn Prozent. “I have always been proud of myself as a Glückspilz, although my difference in comparison with others fell erschien,” comments Schlegelmilch, who genetically deals with Sehschwäche mit Gelassenheit. “So fell Glück hatte mein Vater nicht. There is full erblindet.” However, a launch is: “Unter Blinden ist nun mal der Einäugige König.”

In 2008, an FH-Studium was established in Cologne at DOMRADIO.DE, which again received a new challenge in the editorial department, a new app with an extra large written text and a number of 24 nothings that can be recognized. Much more conveys the media and journalism student with a healthy self-esteem, courage, years of experience and also a well-established expertise, which is no longer stale with various radio and radio awards. The courage of the team has been overcome, which has made the wind fresh and new.

Also for international media

2014 met een volontariat-angeboten, Kurse in der Katholischen Journalistenschule ifp in Munich is very transmitting and focused on Einsätze in the Hörfunk and online journalism. The complex rendering is provided by the last fachlichen Schliff. These people can also enjoy themselves with a larger media. An article has appeared at DOMRADIO.DE that includes a report on WDR and German radio, in addition to “America Magazine” in New York, “The Tablet” in London, the Deutsche Presse-Agentur in Berlin and the “National Catholic Reporter ” in Chicago or Radio Vatikan/Vatican News in the Reportagen.

It is so nice that the German lectures appear in the regular editorial reports and comments of Bishops’ Synods, Papstreisen and other church major events. Schlegelmilch gilded as gutvernetzt and opinungsstark – inner half of the church, but also in political circles. Of “Hilflosigkeit” – in the Schwerbehindertenausweis it is an “H” -ingetragen – can jedenfalls keine Rede be. Schlegelmilch is a large and large, international terrain type that is located in the open air of Cologne and – sprichwörtlich – the best in the picture. If it is so that the lacking optical features with a feinen-wahrnehmung and protected brand protection – in a display at press conferences, as other notifications have been made, there is a large amount of concentrate – your compensation.

“I have a good feeling, one of the things that commits a violation, with an unnoticed attention to everything that we notice. That is in my job, without the A and O. An important meeting I take on a Band auf”, he explains. Nevertheless, it is a journey, a major challenge, because the normal everyday life – especially at airports and train stations – has now been greatly reduced.

Renardo Schlegelmelk

“I am a journalist who is a human being with a backlog of outspokenness. You definitely have to learn more, a dasselbe who does not hinder anything by erreichen, damn it that Dir der Job is helped at all.”

During the pandemic, in June 2020, the journalistic talent winked at a festivity as an editor, with a time delay. Long-term involvement with the multimedia sender is possible. If you see that this is an unacceptable hinge factor – one of the obstacles that hinders the path by the ease of life and no handicap that is solved – is erreich. His observation: “In journalism it is possible to have people with an exaggerated behindhand. You definitely have to learn more, to achieve something that is not hindered, damn it Dir der Job something else zugetraut is. That costs effort, every day new. But I did not want a job bonus.”

All tagsbewältigung mithilfe modernster Technik

If you want to know more about the strategy of Alltagsbewältigung, the failing Sehpower must be balanced, without the fact that it is written on the stir. The modern technology of Mithilfe has been discovered that it is a problem. It is important that you are in debt with greening and running, if you manage any of the following in the future, while you are going over the power with your power, then play your inzwischen entspeakchende computer program, which is self-made and formatted, displayed on the screen. “By working on the screen during the day, the text saves the common time and provides a whole new reading pleasure”, so see experience. “It’s easy to see the photos. Enjoy the photos in a small format and you can see them with your x-beliebige Größe and you can’t even recognize them,” laughs Schlegelmilch.

Regarding Papst & Co: An attempt to spread Schlegelmilch ended up in the Kirchenthemes, until 20 years ago. “Eigentliche war is more than ‘Buntes’ spezialisiert. Denn in meiner Heimat hatte ich mit Kirche keinerlei Berührung. So war d’as eben in der Nachwendezeit in Ostdeutschland – trotz zwölf Jahren evangelischen Religionsunterrichts.”

Renardo Schlegelmelk

“I have experienced that it is Christianity that will lead its life and its purpose, that it will be so and that it will trust. In that Weltbild it will find its home and hear it.”

If the tags with religious and Christian themes are described, or with the lectures, automatically go to other institutions, make up fragments, which do not take care of it, and are mechanically insulting, that is a “recognition” that catholic glaze and blessing is öffentlichen Relevance zunehmend mangelt, wie Schlegelmilch feststellt. “I have experienced, that is Christianity, which will lead its life and einzustehen, that it will be so and that it will trust. In that Weltbild it will find on Heimat and dazugehören.”

On the 25th anniversary of the death, the consequence is seen: On the first Advent Sunday 2014, Renardo Schlegelmilch in Cologne Cathedral is tucked away. He is gilded today as an expert on church and religion and his podcast “Himmelklar”, which works in the first Lockdown, which will see the most Catholic medieval projects of recent years. The more than 250 interviews with their example of conversation partners from the Church, Society and Politics were challenged and discovered a knowledge of German communication. Schlegelmilch has a position of power.

Vom Dom aus Nachrichten in de entire Welt versenden

Zurück zum Radiostudio: The Arbeitsplatz on the four stock of Domforums with Panoramablick on the imposing Westfassade of the Kathedrale, the Domplatte and the increasingly Roncalliplatz in the South, which is privileged here, as Privileg. Not a single schwärmt on Schlegelmilch quickly dismantled from the perhaps failed Möglichkeiten, who found themselves here Tag neu in the weitläufige Redaktionsräumen vis à vis the final results of Gothic beets. “I have never had an exciting job in the Treasures of the Domes, and I have no desire to think here about the world of knowledge and the most critical, intelligent and einfühlsame Gespreche with the People to lead, who something like that Then I started playing the Adrenalin Kick during life, the king’s ride was no longer so much fun.’ And continue with the height of the water. Now as a chef is erst recht, betont der 35-Jährige. “That’s me prepared. Then I stand in the starting position.”

Renardo Schlegelmilch is a journalist at Schwerpunkt Kirche und Gesellschaft. Since 2008, the functions on DOMRADIO.DE have changed. There is a moderation of other podcast formats “Himmelklar” and reports that regularly appear from the Vatican. Seine Schwerpunkte is Kirchenpolitik and Internationales. Start with a discussion and commentary on the debate on the reform path of the Synodalwegen. Regulatory reports are intended for the American media in the Kirche in Germany, among others for the “National Catholic Reporter” from the USA.