
Verirrt, verwirrt and blitzt: Lkw-Fahrer strandet in Lüdenscheid

Verirrt, verwirrt and blitzt: Lkw-Fahrer strandet in Lüdenscheid

  2. Ludenscheid

Verirrt, verwirrt and blitzt: Lkw-Fahrer strandet in Lüdenscheid
Middle lightning strikes the city every loco. If you are no longer on the “White-List”, you can make a first choice. Nougrigat © Carlo Nougrigat

The traffic situation in Lüdenscheid requires no traffic jams. There are 17 money paints – and that is sometimes lost.

Lüdenscheid – Seinen ungeplanten Besuch Anfang Mai in Lüdenscheid with Volker Beck so quickly not forgotten. Verwirrt durch en verirrt im Gewirr der Straßensperrungen in der Region geriet der Fernfahrer unkissentlich über de B236 auf Lüdenscheider Stadtgebiet and here in the small “verbotene Zone”. If there is still no shooting speed of an Enforcement Trailer, Beck doesn’t understand the world anymore. It is not as light as before, when my fast flow of money flatters the anhörungsboogen in a money paintahren in the house. Nun’s hat of the Lkw-Fahrer Redebedarf.

Below you can read: The history of the Beck and Happy Ending. The Verfahren would have passed through the city, after which the Lieferscheine vom “Tattag”, dem 7. Mai, von seinem Auftraggeber besorgt hatte and diese bei der Stadt vorlegte. So depending on the Nachweis, the crossing of the Beladeort in Lennestadt and the Entladeort in Bochum is less than 75 kilometers of air line. It is one of the most common clauses for the regularly formed duration with a kind of Lkw during Lüdenscheid. Volker Beck from the Rathaus de Mitteilung über received the installation of the Verfahrens by e-mail – dated August 14. Kurios: Provided the date would be a time difference in monetary documents, the robber barge driver as an “outdated” consideration. Also everything good? Midnight.

In the conversation with the broadcast of Volker Beck, who has left the city of Lüdenscheid, the Lkw-Fahrer no longer stood out. Anyone who falls into the seiner Branche is the first step from Wochen am Stück to the other path, before there is a Woche free. That is a war, if the Anhörungsbogen and the signal home address in Niedersächsischen Dorstedt (Wolfenbüttel District) eintraf, sei reiner Zufall gewesen, says Beck. „I stop die Frist von einer Woche ‘ab zugang des Schreibens’ für zu light. However, if you know that there is still no talk of a loan in the financial sector, the administration can now be one of the highest work arrests, while an unnoticed zwei makes a separation between the words,” write Beck and mayor Sebastian Wagemeyer. ” Isn’t it a shame, a German longer first time after the end of the anzuberaumen? “, fragment of the Lkw-Fahrer and can not spoil a side-hieb. Let the Department of Traffic Monitoring itself be a quick three-month time-message, “um mich “Please write after this event”.

It is the logistical delivery of the duration of July 2023 that greatly exceeds the costs of transport on the Lüdenscheider-bedarfsomleitung for the blocked A45, which is on the B54 in Bruges, while a huge shock is displayed in the Rathaus ergab. Since the beginning of the Lkw-Überwachung wurden nach Angaben der Stadt 62 280 Bußgeldverahren roads Verstößen gegen das Lkw-Durchfahrtsverbot eingeleitet. Davon must be 53 376 Verfahren eingestellt, on the other hand weil die Fahrer eine Berechtigung nachweisen konnten. Van de verleibenden Verfahren since 5367 nor offensive. Lediglich 3535 Verfahren wurden durch die Zahlung eines Bußgeldes abgeschlossen, als nur jedes 17. Verfahren. Darunter was also 24 Fall, which were first absolved after Weiterleitung and Amtsgericht. Immerhin 454 247.50 Euro flossing dadurch thanks Lkw-Durchfahrtsverbot in the Stadtkasse.

Once you know that the city of Lüdenscheid together with the police control services are on the bypass route middle enforcement trailer. The badges were added to the 21,000 or so number painters in a “White List” declined, for the city approvals are shared which or the background of the policy of the forwarding standards during their legalization are. There is a knowledge of the badges that have no basic agreement with the White List, which results in a monetary transfer and an approval curve. The Ausnahmegenehmigungen do not apply until October 31, 2026. Spare tests then soll the Lüdenscheider Lkw-Durchfahrtsverbot with the Freigabe der A45 Geschichte sein.