
Torsten Lieberknecht takes action “im Stich gelassen”

Torsten Lieberknecht takes action “im Stich gelassen”

In the press conference after the playing field is Darmstadts coach Torsten Lieberknecht schwer, who takes apart the negative power cables of the football match. “Hühnerhaufen” and “Offenbarungseid” were understanding, which in their entirety would constitute a collective responsibility for the future of man. “Leidenschaftslos” has proven its worth. Die “Lilien” takes place in 0:4 in Elversberg and Desaster. Von Pech or fehlendem Glück konnte keine Rede sein; Darmstadt has not been able to lose any more.

Schon nach fun Minuten hatte Torwart Marcel Schuhen the first Mal hinter sich grifen müssen. For the links Strafraumeck, Verteidiger Aleksandar Vukotic and his Kollege Fabian Nürnberger were the ballführenden Elversberger Manuel Feil not present.

He flanks the two Pfosten, while Luca Schnellbacher stands up with the head of the 1:0 in disbelief. Auch Darmstadt’s judge Schienenspieler Matthias Bader vernachlässigte seine defensen Aufgaben. Der Gegentreffer war beispielhaft für de grande Schwäche der Mannschaft in de vergangenen Wochen: de inzureichende Abwehrarbeit ihrer Außenbahnspieler.

„Man muss seine scheiss Ärmel hochkrempeln“

Aber Normalform does not contain “Lilien” Profi. Everything on the Platz is about the Elversberger Pass, the change of position of the game and the tiefenläufe. Our time spent playing in the Saarländer immerses vertically through the free Räume between the Ketten of the South.

So it is all idiosyncratic that the Darmstadter game is played. If the South African Republic has left the ball, it may be that he is under pressure. So they rush the ball away and hoch away, without having to deliver the necessary relief.

With these 0:2 zur Halbzeit Lieberknechts Spieler gut served. The trainer was praised in the cabinet and made a dream. Nur besser wurde is nicht. After a change in the defense of the defense forces Florian Le Joncour lies behind the Konzentration der Elversberger nach.

It is a fact that the Darmstädter Hintermannschaft has only existed for a few times. Torwart Schuhen went to the Sky microphone to Frust Ausdruck. “Man muss seine scheiß Ärmel hochkrempeln und Gas geben.” There is a way from the regional league to the Bundesliga. “It is still the case that Gleiche do not piss the basic functions and the fun, then there will be a man who does not look good.”

Collector Ausfall nicht zu begreifen

When the intestines are in Nuremberg, Lieberknecht is concrete, that is the man who is in it. But the exit in Elversberg war for the Trainer and Shock. Troubled positions on his stirn. He swam many questions through the head, he said. “I can only say that I completely let the man from the collection down.” These are the sneakers that are available.

When you are done with collecting the autumn, it is not fun not to follow the first peaks of the season. Now the team is facing an uncompromising processing in the provincial play break. In the end comes Eintracht Braunschweig and Böllenfalltor, the only second-league team, which has received more approval. A problem is then the light, one of the few things that does not make the criticism bigger is the welding.