
RB Leipzig: Kuriose Details zum Platzverweis from Trainer Marco Rose | Sport

RB Leipzig: Kuriose Details zum Platzverweis from Trainer Marco Rose | Sport

Diesen Rekord might not have anything!

Marco Rose (47) is the first, the best player of the Bundesliga-Trainer 2019-zum zweiten Mal vom Platz flog. 2021 is as Dortmund Coach against Bayern Rot. Am Samstagabend in the Top-Spiel von RB Leipzig at Bayer Leverkusen. Aber Rose then rocks the Größe – and lures the Schiedsrichter for this Entscheidung.

So experience Rose den Platzverweis

Was the war lost? Rose painted from his research: “I have seen a funny thing, that is a Foul of Tah war. There has been no response. Dafür habe ich Gelb kommen. Daraufhin did it, then it’s a different story. Go to the second gelbe card.” With a mark of the Leipziger black Recht. After all, it says: “If you are emotional, you must accept it. Dementen prechend nehme ich das auf mich, der Schiedsrichter hat rigig reactigert.”

That’s what Rose thinks about Rote Karte

Denn Rose is a friend of the new Schiri-Härte. “The regulations for this Saison are clear. I must first have a new Konsequenz gewöhnen. Anyway, I find the rule good,” said the trainer, Frau Nikola (49), a former Handball National player. “We can imagine all handball as Vorbild nehmen. We will have all few complaints and reasons, without more Fußball games. Since the Schiedsrichter responds completely in accordance with the rules. Damit has that Messlatte sehr highly esteemed, and I don’t insult anyone, without any emotion.”

This game has it all!Knockout, Rot & Rebellion

Dieses Spiel hat alles!: Knockout, Rot & Aufholjagd

Source: Image

Rose versprach Schiedsrichtern for her Zurückhaltung

Kurios: Nor wenige Stunden zuvor hatte Rose Zurückhaltung verprochen. “I have reached the Schiedsrichter Mittags im Hotel. Die Jungs und Mädels vom VAR were auch da. If I say something, if I tell a story, then it is my passion,” he says. Then I flog there anyway. Aber seine Einsicht hat nun a Botschaft. “The Rose is not unbelehrbar,” says the Trainer. “I have a good understanding of justice, if I then lie or if I live here.”

It is a passion for the Platzverweis in the Stadium

Witzig, was after the Platzverweis geschah. Rose was happy in the lower reaches of the Tribüne. “Those Leverkuseners were so cool that I found a Platz on the Tribüne. That’s the end of the day with your baby. It just so happens that they both left. If you don’t want anything more, you can bleib your Plätzen,” says the RB-Trainer. “Einer hat ich dann netterweise auf die Treppe setzt, damit ich einen Platz hatte. If you find yourself in any situation, you will be helped 1:0. It’s all happened, now I’m gone. There is a new war for me. If I do it this way, it will be more guest-friendly.”

Rose next to the venue of the Leverkusen fans

Rose next to the venue of the Leverkusen fans


Half the time that Rose came out of the press tribune, he ended up with Sky expert Lothar Matthäus (63). And then, who his Mannschaft-siegte. Midfielder Kevin Kampl (33): “Perhaps we have pushed that again just a little bit. The person will follow his trainer and the session, which pushes us. It is one of the things the trainer does, but it is not a good idea to sit in the stands.

Rapper on the spotHere you will find Marteria with the Hansa-Spielern

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Source: MagentaSport

Kampl versuchte, Rose zu retten

If you don’t like the Leipziger, see Trainer zu retten. “I am also not able to go to Schiri and I am happy with it, that is the Trainer, but I am not more able to do it. If I say it is a problem and come to the Tribüne Muss, said Kampl. “The Gelb-Rote Karte war is überzogen. Once the card appears, Marco is no longer interested. There is a Schiedsrichter action, but that is not the case.”

The Heimspiel gegen Union am 14. September muss Rose aber dennoch von außen fololgen. Rose is far from maintaining a record for platzverweise at Trainern. Armin Veh flog stolze fun Mal.