
The electric Passat |

The electric Passat |

VW has developed the portfolio with top models ID.7 and the GTX, the high-end version, on the market. Noble is the part, not a fragment, and so grim. 250 kW (340 hp) makes the Antrieb, of the two engines best: hint at a 210 kW machine, or an 80 kW engine. It is clear: The GTX is an Allradler standard. Volkswagen spits the bezüglich of an electric 4Motion antenna.


Vom Konzept her look at the ID.7 of the VW Passat: high-quality material, long-lasting, elegant design with a sleek look – business-like eben. Wobei the Wolfsburger and the Keine Passat-Limousine are more suitable than neither nor the Kombi. Vom VW ID.7 is hinged on both versions.

The powerful Leistung is a sport in which DCC driving mechanism and the associated control system are used. The Fahrdynamikmanager provides a connection to the electronic differentials (XDS+), the most advanced sport mode, the ESC sport mode ensures that the new driving mechanism for a better sport, linear and forward driving characteristics are used.

Image: VW

“}”> The electric Passat

The GTX-Tourer still has 605 and 1714 liter loading capacity.
Image: VW

With a sign such as the Lane Assist (Spurhalteassistent), the Side Assist (Spurwechselassistent), the Ausstiegswarner and other Helferlein. Optional is the Paket IQ.Drive with the Travel-Asisst, Park Assist Pro (Entering and leaving the car with a smartphone) etc. to your choice.

Serial numbers are the 20-Zoll-Alus “Skagen”. The Anhängelast (bremst) gibt VW with a maximum of 1200 Kilogramm an. Der Kofferraum fasst zwischen 532 und 1586 Liter (Limousine) bzw. 605 and 1714 liters (Tourer).

The Hochleistungsbatterie has a capacity of 86 kWh (net) and can be charged with 200 kW (175 kW). Thanks to consumption from 16.2 to 20.3 kWh per 100 kilometers is a Reichweite from to zu 595 (Limousine) bzw. 584 Kilometers (Tourer) drin. Ab-Preis: 72,690 Euro.