
Leipzig professional erwarten Essen von Rose

Leipzig professional erwarten Essen von Rose

RB Leipzig coach Marco Rose has given Leverkusen’s Yellow Red Card a culinary night out. “There’s a fixed penalty catalog,” as national player David Raum said in the Sport1 broadcast “Doppelpass.” “As a team, I’m a fan of Davon, because Sushi was in the cabinet when someone made it. I think it’s possible to have a vom Trainer now.”

Rose got a score of 3:2 at Leipzig at Bayer Leverkusen in the 26th minute of the Gelb-Rote Karte. If you make a 47-year-old mistake on a mistake on the open day of a heavy beschwert, after the first gelben card, this can also not be played on the Platz. »Ich weiß nicht, ob es ein bisschen drüber was, direkt zweimal Gelb zu geben. In general, I am a fan of emotions. If a coach is a coach of the Seitenlinie, he will never see Raum again. »Wir freuen uns nun auf ein Essen.«

With the Schiedsrichter im selben Hotel

Rose had a fact after the game, a mistake gets power over his. »I have to take it completely. The new rules are clear. If you want to use one of the first gelbenen cards, please contact your contact person. That did not happen’, Rose was broadcast on TV-Sender Sky and he said: ‘I am so. I have earned it in the situation.«

In the previous season, Rose had four Gelbe Karten gesehen en das Spiel in Heidenheim auf der Tribüne followmüssen. »The most surprising thing is: Major damage has been caused to the hotel in Schiedsrichter. I have said: Dieses Jahr läuft is different. Jetzt muss ich mich entschuldigen en informen, weil am Andde clear war, was kommt«, said the Leipziger: “I nehme die Gelb-Rote Karte an, ich gelobe Besserung. Ich bin ich. If it is a maché, then it can be like this in dem Fall habe ich das getan.«

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