
14:13 Das Wahllokal hält Hook nicht lang fest.

14:13 Das Wahllokal hält Hook nicht lang fest.

14:13 Das Wahllokal hält Hook nicht lang fest.

13:50 Thüringer Wahlbeteiligung quickly at 2019 levelIn Thuringia there is a Wahlbeteiligung erwartet, die in een die in een les letzten Landtagswahlgangs-entspricht. Laut dem Thüringer Landeswahlleiter hatten bis 12 Uhr und 32 Prozent der Wahlberechtigten ihre Stimmen in de Wahllokalen abgegeben, ohne Briefwahl. 2019 was 31.2 Prozent. There is a greater interest in the countries when it comes to Europe and the Community in June, when the Wahlbeteiligung 24.3 Prozent betrug.

13:29 Hohe Wahlbeteiligung erwartet in SaxonyIn Saxony, the Landtag selection is a high selection criterion. Up to midday, 25.8 percent of the eligible voters had given up their votes, which the Statistical Land Office considered to be the minimum. At the time of the last Landtag selection in 2019, the quote was 26.2 percent. In the previous situation, it is not possible to receive short instructions. There is a value of 24.6 percent of the payment rights for a correspondence, in the course of 16.9 percent in the year 2019. There is no problem or issue with the selection that is announced.

13:11 Wahlausgang könnte Berliner Koalition schwächenThe results of the Landtagswahlen in Saxony and Thuringia are not insulting. Political scientist Albrecht von Lucke said in an interview with NTV that a separation of the SPD and the Fünf-Prozent-Hürde would be “quickly an Erdbeben”. There is talk about the Wahl and more Auswirkungen can take place.

12:44 Police investigate Bedrohung in WahllokalPolice in Gera investigated a Wahllokal bedrohung. A man in an AfD T-shirt is a Wahllokal, a stimme that is stimulated by a police officer. Due to Mann’s Wahllokalization, if the shirt is removed, the inside of the Wahllokals is not part of the work. Although the man complied, he threatened to return, unhappy with the way he was treated when he left the polling station area. The police then filed a complaint and reprimanded the man. In addition, police in Erfurt are investigating political graffiti (“Höcke is a Nazi”) near polling stations as vandalism.

12:15 Corrective warning for incorrect informationThe Criminal Investigation Corrective Warning for the Wiederkehrenden false Behauptung, dass Unterschriften auf Stimmzetteln Schutz for Manipulation bieten. In Wahrheit, the Federal Wahlleiteramt said that “the Stimmzettel nicht unterschrieben were darf. A Unterschrift van de Wählers auf dem Stimmzettel kan de Geheimnis der Wahl gefährden and damit de gesamten Stimmzettel ungültig machen.”

11:51 Voigt courtft auf “stabile Mehrheitverhältnisse”The Spitzencandidate of the Thuringian CDU, Mario Voigt, who now Stimme abgegeben. There is thanks that you fell, who “in der Vergangenheit else gewählt haben”, aber nun the “strong Kraft in der bourgeois Mitte”, and also the Saxon Union, unterstützen. “Die Verstandnis is a fact, a Regierung zu Bilden, which serves that country,” Voigt continues. In active Umfragen the CDU and the AfD Kopf and Kopf lie.

11:25 Sonneberg has significant right-wing extremist attacksSonneberg is the first Landkreis in Germany, which is an AfD police leader. If you receive active messages, there are more messages that can be removed from your position. It is one of the most common right-wing extremist fears in the region that has lasted for a year. Experts die in the AfD Landrat back.

10:57 Kretschmer spricht an der UrneThe Prime Minister of Saxony, Michael Kretschmer, sang the praises of the Landtagswahl as “the heaviest Wahl of the last 34 years”. Both Wählen in Dresden thanked them for being “otherwise gewählt haben in the past”, for the “strong Kraft in der bourgeois Mitte”, namely the Saxon Union, unterstützen. “Die Verstandnis is a fact, a Regierung zu Bilden, which serves that country,” Kretschmer continued. In active Umfragen, the CDU is in a head-to-head battle with the AfD.

10:30 Ramelow: Wagenknecht “isn’t near the Stimmzettel”The Prime Minister of Thuringia, Bodo Ramelow, is the Wahltag “a celebration of democracy” – a declaration of independence, about which we have no other opinion. I was interviewed by the left-party politician, where a minority government does not work and where the fight against the BSW hat is.

09:59 History is about the WahldatumHistorian Peter Oliver Loew criticized the Wahldatum for the Landtagswahlen in Saxony and Thuringia, on the 85th. Year of the German invasion of Poland in the year 1939 fell. “We came up with the idea, what happened on September 1 said a number of historical things,” Loew noted at the Redaktionsnetzwerk Deutschland (RND). Bezüglich der AfD, die vom Verfassungsschutz in beide Ländern als “sicher rechtsextremistisch” eingestuft wird, sagte Loew: “Das kann zu unglücklichen Assoziationen führen, insbesondere wenn eine Partei in Dresden en Erfurt gewinnt, deren Verhältnis zur Nazi-Ära alles anders als duidelijk ist .”

09:30 “Schlüsselveit”: All dates of the land tagswahlEtwa 3.3 Millionen wahlberechtigte in Saxony has had the power, they are separated, we can the political direction of the Dresdner Landtags bestimmt. The CDU has been in the status of the most prominent Kraft in the country since 1990. The Prime Minister of Saxony, Michael Kretschmer, is called “Schlüsselveit”. “Here everything is at stake.”

09:05 Kretschmer wins Ampelkoalition “chaotic Vorwahlkampf”Is it Wahlitag in Saxony, and the question is: Will Saxony’s Prime Minister Michael Kretschmer lead the CDU into a fortress in the country? I was interviewed for a conversation about the Flüchtlingsdebat, the Ampelregierung and the Ukraine-Krieg.

08:24 Can the AfD support democracy?

Umfragen deuten darauf hin: The AfD would win both the opposing Wahlen in Saxony and Thuringia deutlich and Einfluss. There is a potential deception for democratic institutions, with a concrete group. The rule of law is not as celebrated as those who look a lot.

08:00 Wahllokale in Thuringia and Saxony geöffnetNew Landtagsparlamente were introduced in Thuringia and Saxony. In the To ask the AfD in Thuringia is clearly lying. In Saxony, the CDU of the incumbent Prime Minister Michael Kretschmer and the AfD Kopf and Kopf are lying. First predictions were made with the closing of the Wahllokale at 6 p.m. erwartet. The Wahlen in both East German Ländern are a barometer for the Ampelkoalition in Berlin.

For the current Thuringian The government of Foreign Minister Bodo Ramelow (Linke) has no higher value in the Umfragen. A possible regime-bildung after the Wahl would have won the CDU, Sahra Wagenknechts (BSW) Allianz and SPD. In Saxony It is unclear what else the active coalition of the CDU, the SPD and the Greens is. Kretschmer does not create an alliance with the BSW. The Left has been cheated of the parliamentary victory in Saxony. The same fate can die Greens and FDP in Thuringia.

12:15 I think the warning is correct, a research project, for the translation of false information, especially the statement that the unterschreiben of stimmmzetteln Schutz is used for manipulation.

12:44 When a man’s registration processes take place in a Wahllokal for clearance management, if there is a part of the company’s clothing, it was dry and a police flight.

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