
A perfect tag for Eintracht Frankfurt

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Class member: Omar Marmoush (right) and Hugo Ekitiké.
Class member: Omar Marmoush (right) and Hugo Ekitiké. © IMAGO/Jan Huebner

Eintracht Frankfurt delights the fans with a 3:1 draw – Following them is the disappointing TSG Hoffenheim with the Magic Tower and a double attraction in Sturm.

Football coach Dino Toppmöller’s home base on the Mainzer Lerchenberg is one of the most important pivot points of his English Eintracht-Mannschaft a few stunden in the Frankfurter Stadtwald. As a guest of the ZDF-Institution “Sportstudio”, the Eintracht-Coach gets a job and as a person and a sport, in passing, the direction for the new season for: “Wir erhoffen our more Spectacle, das Salz in der Suppe sind die Tore” , sagte der 43-Jährige. “We use a lot of energy to power our vehicles and the stadium with more electricity.”

However you do it, the Frankfurter Waldstadion will be a success. Successful results from the fresh professionals from the Torwand, four goals, classically both tops and bottoms. “Wow, Wahnsinn”, entfuhr is moderator Katrin Müller-Hohenstein. In the war the man can fill out such a form, that the perfect tag for the passing of the seasons is not the protected Dino Topper player, and is the war of the perfect tag for Eintracht Frankfurt.

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That Eintracht is Not

The Nachmittag number was that Hessen played in the Heimspiel of the Saison field at the TSG Hoffenheim-hinweggefegt – the most in a phase of the party. The game quickly started with the playing of the Mannschaft in a Rausch, in the Glutofen Waldstadion after Herzenslust, the three goals zum 3:1-Erfolg were already herausragend initiated and abgeschlossen. A cleaner than that other. End truck full.

Selbst as the most important Hoffenheimer Andrej Kramaric kurzzzeitig on 1:2 stellte and the Hoffnung der Kraichgauer wiederbelebte (54.), schlug de Eintracht nicht mal 120 Sekunden später eiskalt zurück. Mario Götzes Traumzuspiel nutzte Omar Marmoush with Entscheidung, zack, 3:1, Deckel drawing. Yes, like Omar Marmoush, the tags will hate the Frankfurter Fangemeinde to a great extent with his treuebekenntnis zur Eintracht.

Head: Omar Marmoush and Sturmpartner Hugo Ekitiké, the Duo Infernale, were in the Combination that fell for the insgesamt enttäuschenden Sinsheimer. The two were busy cashing in on the public, with my tempo, the Raffinesse and the Dribbelstärke were no longer quiet, a bit faster and better for the Hoffenheimer Deckung, which would lead a fast way to a konnte. The Tower were spectacular, grandios herausgespelt: The 1:0: Niels Nkounkou perfect on Marmoush, Marmoush perfect on Ekitiké, Ekitiké perfect on Abschluss against Torwart Oliver Baumann (24.).

Eintracht-Sieg vs Hoffenheim: Brilliant game

The 2:0 war is brilliantly depicted, “überragend”, like Toppmöller before it. Whoever offered Marmoush its Sturmpartner and the Steckpass in Hugo Larsson’s Lauf would be the only war worth the Eintrittsgeld. Der Schwede was formed in 2:0 (33.). “Tolle Mannschaftsleistung”, anniversary sports leader Markus Krösche. “We have great quality.” In fast all Mannschaftsteilen.

The Abwehr is by the robust and absent Rasmus Kristensen and Arthur Theate to another level to become, “they can be a better”, your trainer. Especially that both are broken down: if you play the game like that, if you sit in the Mannschaft over time, you can keep it up and enjoy. Kristensen has made the room permanent. “Rasmus gives many commands”, says player Larsson and laughs: “Also when I’m very beautiful a lot.”

If you get angry, there is a new attraction, a spectacular and explosive trauma, which in the Verfassung is the Chance hat, the Bundesliga is erobern. Marmoush, on the popular links of a website, and the cooking in the center is very good, harmonious brand awareness. That chemistry stimulates. “You will always find more, the Abläufe functions more and more,” said Sportchef Krösche. Coach Toppmöller flanks: “Durch ihr Tempo since siehr schwer zu veridigen. When you are in the Stadion, Freude opinen sich ein Spieler und Power und bisschen Druck. “The Messlatte lies nach diesem Spiel noch mal höher.”

Gerade Ekitiké is one of the next, who has started in the season performance, as the Eintracht quickly in all entrance of the Europa League match comes. Every time there are a few things that Tore and zwei Vorlagen nach drei Pflichtspielen on the account are – a five of the six Eintracht-Treffern-war is also determined. A resurgence value. Absurd, it is not that we in Frankfurter Umfeld the quality of the Angreifers inquestlten. Ekitiké is an Ausnahmekönner.

Findet auch Sportvorstand Krösche: “There is unprecedented tension and a good playing style in the new Ruhe.” “If there is so little power, there is a greater chance that the French will become Nationalspieler. Definitely.” However, naturally, the Krösche nor Verbesserungspotenzial bei dem 20-Millionen-Einkauf ausgemacht, I thought with this in mind: “Defensive has also a few themes.”

Trainer Toppmöller met with the geese Trubel a furious Sturmduo klungerweise nicht, the entire Ensemble reform. “Wir sind jetzt breiter aufgestellt“, before there is a message, we will feel that we have a good feeling in this matter. “A homogeneous group has emerged that gives great energy. The power is gone, with the Jungs of labor.” The best of the famous Mittelfeldmann Hugo Larsson. “The Spirit in the Team is better than last year”, it was said that it was not a matter of speaking, that it was bad since it happened. But man knows himself now better, see better things: “Everything functions better than what has passed away Saison.”

If you continue longer, you can exert yourself during the Bundesliga break. An anfang is gemacht.