
Richter lässt Online service X in Brazil blocked From dpa-AFX

Richter lässt Online service X in Brazil blocked From dpa-AFX

BRASILIA (dpa-AFX) – After a month-long battle with Tech Billionaire Elon Musk has a judge in Brazil on the online platform X-platform. The National Telecommunications Authority (Anatel), which deals with Internet involvement in the South American countries, will make the effort to use the social network of the network. A message has appeared about the news portals G1 that has displayed the mobile functions of Vivo, Claro and Oi, but it can not be that the X-butts are more.

Judge Alexandre de Moraes of the Obersten Bundesgericht has used the Twitter-Nachfolgedienst X, so that there is no more talk of the dissemination of Hassrede and Fake News. Musk blessings referred to the freedom of speech and bezeichnete the judge as “bad dictator”.

The conflict war is essential. The judge demands from X the blocking of the accounts of right-wing activists, the theories of entrapment and false information are spread. Musk is going to fight the online platform that no longer allows the upgrade and will no longer hang the fine.

“X ist die am meisten genutzte Nachrichtenquelle in Brasilien. Es ist das, was die Leute wollen,” wrote X-Eigentümer Musk on the platform. And with the wisdom of the Harry-Potter-Reihe: “Jetzt the Tyrann Voldemort of the judge of man to a free way of life.”

Sperrung nach verstrichenem Ultimatum

Musk lies on the desk in Brasilien Mitte August with the begründung, there is a party of the harmful representative. Moraes stated on this week an Ultimatum: The submission will be made within 24 days and the legal representation will be accepted – under the Platform, it will be prohibited. Musk is the first to release.

Statistical power is Stimmung against Moraes at X, with a hat of 196 Millionen Follower. There is a special X-Account appeared, which has yielded the first place of the Brazilian Federal Judges right.

Musk gold for everything that concerns the tiling and the electric car repairer Tesla (NASDAQ:) as the Reichster Mensch der Welt. The Bloomberg Financial Service estimates its assets at 239 billion US dollars (216 billion euros).

Musk refers to freedom of reason

Musk, who was once a colleague of ex-president Donald Trump, has spoken out as a representative of leisure. A judge’s zensur is available. “Alexandre de Moraes is a great dictator, who is disguised as a judge,” Musk wrote on X. Addition X to his regime for the sake of example in the case of a settlement for a certain accounting and a blocking of it.

The US-Botschaft in Brazil is in the process of falling. “The US Botschaft is following up on the situation of the Obersten Gerichtshof and Platform X”, you will find in one of the Mitteilung. “Wir concreten, dass das right auf freie Meinungsäußerung ein Grundpfeiler einer gesunden Demokratie ist.”

You will be happy in Brazil with all your Mobilisierung for democratic actions. Give digital testimonies from the environment of rights Ex-president Jair Bolsonaro verbreiten in social networks Fake News and Hassreden.

Roads behind the Justice and Anstiftung are Straftaten hatte Moraes in April prepared an Ermittlungsverfahren Musk self-chosen eingeleitet. “These social networks are free from the right environment”, wrote the Bundesrichter damals in seiner Ermittlungsanordnung.

Einnahmen aus dem Ausland für X von zunehmender Bedeutung

Since the world market in the US American market has acquired the rights of the platform under Musk, the Australian market in Brazil has grown with more than 200 million homes for the financing of X. Media reports come X in the late American country at around 20 million users. After the ban of X in Brazil, the competitor Bluesky has become a Million new user after its own comments within half of three days.