
Ende in Sicht: Streik bij Lufthansa-Tochter Discover am Sonntagabend vorbei | 01.09.24

Ende in Sicht: Streik bij Lufthansa-Tochter Discover am Sonntagabend vorbei | 01.09.24

Der Streik der Lufthansa-Tochter Discover the end of Tagen am Sonntagabend.

The part is a Sprecher der Gewerkschaft Vereinigung Cockpit (VC) on Anfrage der Deutschen Presse-Agentur mit. The VC said that he was with the Verlauf des Streiks: “Was we have seen it, that the flight and the Muttergesellschaft Lufthansa were zurückgegeben. That takes care of the operative Probleme, and that will man ja erreichen”, said the Sprecher.

Dash extended

The cockpit and UFO controls allow pilots and personal cabins to achieve a quadruple range. Initially, the service began operating on Friday and so on. Once Thursday has taken over the work, the weekday can resume. With this step, VC wants to demonstrate its survival in the current tariff conflict.

Little air pollution

At Sonntag, the next step, the Streik Lufthansa now has a small change in the Betrieb. “Insgesamt since the Streichungen auf dem niedrigen Niveau or vergangen and funf Streiktage”, clear a message. The 20 Kurzstreckenflügen from Frankfurt must be fully prepared. Another Flug became a Partner Fluggesellschaft übernommen. Jewels 20 long-distance flights in Frankfurt and Munich can still be found.

With the Streiks wollen the Lufthansa-Konzern wurzelten Spartengewerkschaften own tariff rates, nachdem the Management itself with the Konkurrenz von Verdi on a Vertragswerk geeinigt hat. Verdi now represents some pilots and flugbegleiters in the Unternehmen, has UFO and VC reform. Der 2021 gegründete Ferienflieger Discover Airlines hat bislang 27 Maschinen, mit danen are Urlaubsziele in Europa und Übersee anfliegt. A plate employing 1,900 people.



Bildquelle: Jorg Hackemann /,Gil C /,360b /