
AfD is the best Kraft at Wahl in Thuringia

AfD is the best Kraft at Wahl in Thuringia

In the Landtagswahl in Thuringia, the AfD has become the strongest force with Germany before the CDU. After the 18-hour forecast of ARD and ZDF, the Bundes Sahra Wagenknecht (BSW) is on Platz 3, followed by the Linken and the SPD. Grüne and FDP do not get further than the Landtag.

The prediction is that the AfD will win 30.5 to 33.5 percent and will win eleven years after its first founding in a landswahl – if the prime minister can imagine, gilded as unarmed. The CDU ends up at 24.5 percent. The BSW reaches from the position 14.5 to 16.0 percent.

Prime Minister Bodo Ramelow’s Linke has a value of 11.5 to 12.5 Prozent, the SPD 6.5 to 7.0 Prozent. The Grünen see the Prognosen ebenso little in the Landtag in Erfurt with 4.0 Prozent and the FDP with 1.0 to 1.3 Prozent.

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