
Denkzettel der Unzufriedenen – en nun?

Denkzettel der Unzufriedenen – en nun?

The Wählerinnen and Wähler in Thuringia and Saxony have given politics a tidy approach – perhaps a nahezu unsolvable puzzle. The first part of the AfD is one of the strongest krafts in the country. In Thuringia, the right-wing party abolished most of the CDU. In Saxony it is nice to take a photo with the CDU in the Wahlabend. But the AfD is wringing partners without directing anything. Anders der Senkrechtstarter des Jahres: The Bündnis Sahra Wagenknecht (BSW) can, thanks to his current experience in both Ländern mitmischen – vausgesetzt, find that he has a new composition and sisters.

The Thuringian BSW lead candidate Katja Wolf seems to be very good at the first prognosis for his share of 14.5 to 16 percent of the votes. “I have Goosebumps, I have to”, said the malicious Left-wing politician and mayor of Eisenach at the BSW Wahlparty with a look at the Erfurter Cathedral. She speaks of a historic moment. With the party of Sahra Wagenknecht he remained in the Armen, while he put Jubel on the stake. It is a question of a »real vertrustvorschuss«, like Wolf. »We speak out this country: We are not alone.«

AfD is looking for »historical Sieg« in Thuringia

The AfD, which after the Hochrechnungen in Thuringia 31.2 to 33.1 Prozent der Stimmen is maintained and since it was before the CDU, liesß the Öffentlichkeit an Jubelszenen not toilhaben – sie hatte kurzfristig all Journalisten of the Wahlparty ausgeschlossen. Leading candidate Björn Höcke spoke of the Party’s defeat of a “historic Sieg” before he resigned in the Landtag. For the Medien geschlossenen Party room urges to join in. Applause anyway Sprechchöre: »Höcke, Höcke« and »Jetzt geht’s los«.

Formte der weil AfD-Bundesfin Alice Weidel in Fernsehen: Unter normalen Umständen sei ja die stärkste Partei mit Sondieren am Zuge – everything else true “Ignore the Wählerwillens”, says Weidel in the ARD. Nur: The AfD is one of the best ways to play in Thuringia, in Saxony, where the high figures with 30.4 to 31.4 percent lagged behind the CDU Prime Minister Michael Kretschmer, at 31.6 to 31.6 percent 31.7 Prozent comb.

In Saxony, Kretschmer must go as an Amtsinhaber on the Coalitionspartners and how Chancen are, I am so happy. In Thuringia, the Regierungschef Bodo Ramelow played a crucial role in the departure of Linken on the Zweitplatzierten, CDU-lead candidate Mario Voigt. If both countries play with our direction, the first thing they do is in the next week. Let it be clear that the AfD does not want to report anything more now. André Wendt, Landtagsvizepräsident in Saxony, says that it is a very good thing. »It is astonishing that the Bäume is not in the Himmel-world.« There is talk of a »glücklich, but not überglücklich«.

Private system under pressure

If a common Botschaft in this composite Wahlergebnis-steckt, then probably dies: It is a thought-set of the unsmiling. More than 40 percent of the states went into their populist partition, which quickly put everything in fragile places, the so-called establishments were in Angebot haben. The regimes in Berlin were dismissed, the Ampel-Parteien SPD, Grüne and FDP, on the Linke. The Union is shrinking in soul. The bitter irony: the absehbar schwimmige regime in both countries can cause frustration, but man is no longer aufbauen. The party system must be rolled under water. The gilded one is not only in East Germany, but especially so.

Because BSW does not merge the former Left Wagenknecht with its AfD sister and is not included in a top company with the parties, it will be rejected as right-wing extremist both in Thuringia and in Saxony by the protection of the Constitution. Unfortunately, the BSW does not fit in any Schublade candidate. Wagenknecht is linked to the AfD in the migration and military power for the Ukraine, its social and political ties. After the assessment of the Meinungsforschern, it is about a link between Wählern – während the AfD on a respectable proposal from supporters with direct rights Views can be seen.

Die »Gegen-die-da-oben-Parteien«

They are both united in the Selbstverständnis as »Gegen-die-da-oben-Parteien«. If you want to make a big expansion of the Regie, you undergo the Ampel in Berlin. Both AfD and BSW quickly speak out Eignung zur Problemlösung ab. They grind the state of the countries into the dusty dust and even offer a retter. »Unser Land ist in keiner guten Verfassung«, this is an example of the BSW-Gründungsmanifest.

Damit trafen sie inen Nerv. The Vertrauen in the herkömmliche Parteien and in the Funktionieren der Democratie schwindet in both Bundesländern. In the year that the Umfrage Sachsen-Monitor started 81 Prozent der Teilnehmerinnen und Teilnehmer, most politics now the Stimmen der Wähler wollen. In one of the Umfrage in Thuringia, the Thüringen-Monitor, is now 45 Prozent der Befragten en, mit der Praxis der Demokratie zufrieden zu sein – obwohl de Staatsform der Demokratie grundsätzlich von 88 Prozent befürwortet wird.

Provide work and migration

Hinzu comen ganz aktuell große Ängste. After all, the living conditions of the ARD-Deutschland trends are present in Saxony and Thuringia 77 Prozent der Menschen große Sorgen, dass die Kriminalität kan zunimmt enormously massive. 67 Prozent fürchten, dass zu alles Fremde ins Land Kommen, 55 Prozent, dass die ihren Lebensstandard nicht halten. Nur 39 Prozent in Sachsen schätzten in der Umfrage für die ARD die wirtschaftliche Lage als gut ein, in Thuringia gar nur 30 Prozent.

Zudem bricht sich 34 Jahre nach der Vereinigung der Frust Bahn. In the ARD-Umfrage, jewels are three of four parts in both states, the politics and the economy are nevertheless the strong West German bestimmt seien and the East German and fell Couples, nor »Bürger zweiter Klasse« seien. All together an explosive community, which is reflected in the Wahlergebnissen.

AfD and BSW best jewelry in the own way of Zweifel in the “System”, a parliamentary bläufen, a re-original Media, one of the freedom of opinion. Be that as it may, it is not possible to see in the Wahlkampfabschluss of a »Cartelpartyherrschaft«, of Media, the »gekouft«. It is “egal, what ihr wählt”, all parties “solve our Germany who a piece of Seife under the water stream” was. Only the AfD will be different.

Wagenknecht says that he works in the Wahlkampf, while BSW is concerned with, “damit de Menschen, de protestieren wollen, wütend sind, damit die Menschen, die sich Veränderung wünschen, damit die een seriöse Alternative haben, die wählen können and die wirklich etwas in ihrem Zonde changes and the Bundesparteien under Druck setzt.«

Major improvements have been made

Both parties have a great experience, while they anstoßen a »New beginning«. When he became the Prime Minister, everything became bald different. Do a partner who now helps the AfD with the opposition. The BSW can become bald in the situation that occurs in the Regierungsverantwortung zu beweisen. Before you can appeal to the question of whether you can make a connection with a washing machine: The partner CDU is one of the positions of BSW that offers a meilenweit experience. Wagenknecht has his hereditary condition in the Ukraine, Russia and NATO policy gestellt.

The description is Wahlabend. “Of course it was never possible, it was a direction, the man started, could exercise a part of the direction, the way these farms were treated, and those erwartungen erfüllt”, said in the ZDF. The CDU will only support the elections.

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