
The East is the second Wende

The East is the second Wende

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Timpani battle among the Wahlen in Thuringia and Saxony: AfD and BSW fahren hohe Ergebnisse ein. 35 Jahre nach der Wende erlebt der Osten een Neuordnung. A comment.

Munich – Da haben die rebellischen Ossis was zammengewählt! Sieg der Rechten und der Left-Rechten Radicalen, Kollaps der etablierten Parteien, Krise der Liberal Democratie: Egal zu welcher Überschrift man greifen mag, von diesem Wahlsonntag in Saxony und Thuringia geht 35 Year nach der Wiedervereinigung ein zweites Wendesignal aus. Eines, das überhören gefährlich true. Again, neither the wild East of the Landes nor all those in the humiliatingly punished Ampelpartner are concerned.

The Messer-Terror von Solingen-war only the dramatic final agreement will last longer under the auspices of the FDP and Ost-Grünen. While the story continued, a historical experiment during the Thuringia- and Saxony-Wahl was brought to an end, when we started working with the CDU links in 2015 and Angela Merkel started the migration crisis.

Waiting in Thuringia and Saxony: AfD and BSW declassify the establishments – a commentary

The mass exodus of the AfD affected the Union among the Landtagswahlen in Thuringia and Saxony so dramatically that in their Salvation they found themselves in new, unbelieving coalitions and compromises with SPD and/or Greens such as this, the Radicals were no longer willing to accept. A teufelskreis, of those who sich another clambernden Etablierten ever schwächer and the extremes ever stronger power. Unfassbar, who the party of the ex-communist and Putin supporter Sahra Wagenknecht has taken the People’s Party of the SPD out of the class.

Höckes AfD lost a Beben in the Ost-Landtagswahlen - thought Merkur Chief Editor Georg Anastasiadis.
Höckes AfD lost a Beben in the Ost-Landtagswahlen – thought Merkur Chief Editor Georg Anastasiadis. © Michael Kappeler/dpa/Montage

It is the own fault of a treppenwitz of the History: The Gesellschaft rückt seit een Dekade staändig nach right, bei der Bundestagswahl 2021 wählten die Deutschen so conservativ who long nicht mehr – bekamen aber, weil die von Höcke gelenkte AfD nicht koalitionsfähig war (und immer noch nicht ist), a left-wing dominierte Regierung with liberal Hilfsmotor. This emphasis is on the Gesellschaft with the absent migration, which will lead the citizen money over the Heizungsgesetz to his ultra-liberal citizenship law and for all irregular migration, the Horst Seehofer will probably try the “mumbling of all problems”, even if he has a sturm of the hypocritical problems have arisen.

Wahlbeben in Thuringia and Saxony is the Rückabwicklung der Wende

It fell into the dictatorship of Western society with its petty partial bonds and failing slender authoritarian powers has now gone faster than the Wessis of patience fades. One can read this Wahlbeben as the retreat of the Wende of 1989. At the same time, the West German parties dominate in East Germany, with Westbindung and “American Way of Life”. It is after the will of Sahra Wagenknecht, which marks the development of the beginning of the “Konterrevolutie”, which is located in the insulting Poor Russia.

In the Landtagen of Saxony and Thuringia we are now open to the public, because we are active in our country, because our government is akzeptiert or because our politics is better understood: the republic is long-lasting, and because of our Christian democracy. The function of Germany’s long-term stabilization center may, or in France and Italy, pass through the right-wing radicals.

Ergebnisse zur Landtagswahl: Was machen Merz und Söder daraus?

If we do nothing more, the CDU coalitions with the AfD will compensate some Bundnisse with the green herausputzt. Only with a program, the democratic right that has a self-conscious bourgeois political power, will start and order the migration, on the labor market performance promised again and the overarching social state after the shifting Merkel years. At least Friedrich Merz and Markus give insight into their mind. Now they must also quickly find out in the candidate question.