
The Para-Schwimmer machen den Anfang: I am Endspurt on Goldmedaille

The Para-Schwimmer machen den Anfang: I am Endspurt on Goldmedaille

Zum ersten Mal ertönte am Sonntagabend deutsche Nationalhymne bei een Medaillenzeremonie der Paralympics in Paris. Team Deutschland has to wait for four days – until the para-Schwimmer Tanja Scholz and Josia Topf find out what is behind them. Innerhalb von nur zehn minutes erkämpften sich jeweils Gold over 150 Meter Layers.

“That comes with tears, that is unglaublich,” said Scholz after the race. It’s a long exciting battle. After a delay of 50 meters it is no longer on the Platz: “Rücken can be a bit not. That is always possible,” says the Weltmeisterin. Auch Topf, der een Fehlbildung der Poor hat, wurde seiner Favoritenrolle als Vizeweltmeister dish en gewann sein Rennen.

Bereits im Vorlauf am Sonntagmorgen hat die Querschnittgelähmte Scholz said, was auch nach drei harten Wettkampftagen nor in ihr sckt. With a time of 2:58.49, the Elmshornerin followed Zweite in the Final. One of the things that a more neutral flag-starting Russian Nataliia Butkova has to do is get beaten. There are other things that went differently.

In the second row of the three railways one could use a separate sale and erreichte as Dritte de Wende on the volatile Ukrainian Maryna Verbova. However, everything is done within 50 meters. With an unglazed Endspurt überholte Scholz who was the first to compete and move.

“The last 50 meters I was aware of: I would still be happy with the energy savings”: Para-Schwimmer Josia Topf

© IMAGO/Ralf Kuckuck

“I first thought, that Butkova was in front of me”, said Scholz. After a click on the table your name becomes clear, “that’s my name”. For the German Mannschaft the Sonntag is located in Paris with jewels Bronze in Para-Rudern and at Bahnradfahren with Guide.

Nach de Rennen follows directly at Beckenrand the Umarmung with Ehemann and Starthelfer Björn Scholz. “That is a huge burden that has been absolved,” said Scholz. Ihr Mann has saved his stelle, this could be a problem. Auch die Kinderhätten stood out a few times. “For four years I was still in the clinic and thought, my life is a happy one,” said Scholz, who announced his final journey on the Rollstuhl: “And yet I sat here and won gold.”

Josia Topf explains

Etwa zehn Minuten später kam Josia Topf für signals Start in the Schwimmhalle. If you want to know that the German flag is built in, and that work is being done in the room of the room longer. During the 2021 Summer Games in Tokyo, it will be great to take the 150-meter route to the Platz. “I was allowed to swim for a new year,” said Topf, who was born with the TAR Syndrome, modestly said after the first day of tomorrow.

Der Para-Schwimmer verpasste sein Ziel im Finale – seine Zeit sollte aber trotzdem for die Goldmedaille reichen. Topf über both Ohren: „It was a blessing to me. I’m very happy, it’s time to run.

In the first place of the three track wars all possible competitors have emerged. “The race is perfect. I have come into a good rhythm”, says there. On the 50 meter long branch it was Kraulen then a fast 20 seconds as his competitor Ahmed Kelly. In the Australian Grant Patterson sits Topf, before we Wende on Rang drei backfiel.

“The last 50 meters I knew: I must have used the Gas Renewable Gas,” said Topf nach dem Rennen, with Deutschlandfahne um den Hals. With a sensational Schlussspurt in the Australian Patterson I thought: “The Kelly is coming soon.”