
Large music band at Gießener Festival

Large music band at Gießener Festival

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Large music band at Gießener Festival
Many acts provide a good atmosphere at the Hokuspokus Festival in the Schiffenberger Tal-Arena. Photo: Wißner © Wißner

The journey of the »Hokus Pokus Festiwelt« in the Schiffenberg Valley in Gießen has 5000 visitors with good health and safety.

Pouring (two). 5000 visitors at the Freitag and Samstag die Arena in Schiffenberger Tal, wed the Musikfestival Hokus Pokus Festiwelt with 24 stage acts stattfand. »Wir machen Magie« lautete das Motto der mittlerweile threatened Aflage, die sich an een both Tagen destine Wetter inheritreute. When war breaks out, there is no longer a question of sales, but of the lost spokespeople’s interests, which are increasingly being recruited by the Besuchern.

Auch bull-riding delights fans

Before all the Bull-Riding images last longer, and here most smartphones will be used, a party, who is his friend, partner or friend, can take electric rides. There is a war going on with a gelungen related to the growth of the economy, while others act without having clicked in the hand. Dazwischen provides DJs for the most exciting Unterhaltung. Stars Ski Aggu and the band Jeremias form the crowd and quickly provide a few skills that hold their hand, that play in the rhythm of the music.

Boats can both days with Dance, Electro, Electronic Dance Music (EDM), Hip-Hop, House and Pop a large band width. Who is involved in training the mass massers, should do a job in Solingen, do checks and a stacked Sicherheitsdienst. If this is the case, the veranstalter-bedrijfsconcept, in any case, will take a small lead here and keep the etwas longer. Safety first eben.

Strict Controls, Digital Tickets

Please note that the first online ticket sales is one of the most popular ticket offices on the gelände. Apply the war on the online platform to the most high demands placed on the following: »You can not use a bag or a laptop, which is larger than A4, no stool, no umbrella, no dryer, no weapons, no home, no professional room, no sperrigen Gegenstände.« So erwissen die drie Hokus Pokus Festiwelt als een rundum gelungenes Musikfest.