
Ein Bagger in Alpbach: Offene Baustelle Klimapolitik ist Kommender Regierung

Ein Bagger in Alpbach: Offene Baustelle Klimapolitik ist Kommender Regierung

© FFF / EIn Bagger for the offenen Baustellen der kommenden Regierung
© FFF / EIn Bagger for the offenen Baustellen der kommenden Regierung

Appropriately dazu haben Jugendliche von Fridays For Future, in Alpbach a Baustelle aufgebaut.

Alpbach – With the agreement “Building Climate Protection: Who really packs?” Directs the active activities towards the survival and the next direction and rest of the people in Austria, at the National Council Meeting, now a party with consistent climate program for the world.

“In the last 5 years we have had significant changes in our business decisions in Austria. A solid basis would be created with a socially weighted CO2 reduction policy. But the way to implement the major construction ‘climate protection’ is not yet known. If politicians get power, the efforts and domination of the herausforderungen der climate increases will take place. Davon hears our thoughts in the wake of a few surprises.”, see Activist Michael Spiekermann Bilanz.

“The climate crisis is the largest and most important construction site that is not in the time. All parties are involved, that is, the packaging and design of parts. A part, the small answers to the most pressing questions our time has, betrays its meaning and purpose.”, so Emma Reynolds, Speaker Fridays For Future Austria.

“Nehammer, Babler, Kickl, Kogler and Meinl-Reisinger are with their part of their work concerned with a greater economy for the people in Austria. If the work and the handicraft are carried out by the climate protection, this is fatal and a back cut can be caused. After the fort cut is broken, the fragments can be removed and liefered.”, said Speaker Kriechbaum.

Darum hat Fridays For Future funf Forderungen ausgearbeitet, die von der kommenden Regierung umgeusetzt became müssen:

With more wind power and warmth during winter!
Warm welcome for all: happy living and cozy living!
With Klima-Jobs we can work together!
Protect people from heat and climate disasters!
Climate protection and quality of life in the natural environment!

“The construction is clear, the work is prepared. Politiker*innen müssen zeizen, wer wirklich anpackt.”, schließt Kriechbaum ab. “The climate has no parteizugehörigkeit. When the convention center is in the Convention Center, the land discussions are interrupted, but it is not as if it can be a result of climbing protection. Unsere funfünf Forderungen since non-negotiable.”

Survival has never been an apple, but there is a clear hand-lung treatment for the most recent direction, which is in the herbs after the Wahl bildet.

Climatic conditions for choice

Um de Umsetzung der 5 offenen Baustellen einzuorderern ruft Fridays For Future a Woche voor der Wahl, am 20.09. zum Weltweiten Klimastreik auf. In Wien, Graz, Linz and Salzburg the streets became full and in some cases part of a plan for a life in Austria that has still not been formalized in 20 years.

Ben 27.09. The climate action period will be used by the east of the country this year to begin setting and reporting action, a way to improve control over the situation.

Article Online geschaltet von: / Doris Holler /