
FOS-Praktikanten (m/w/d) at the Rahmen der Fachoberschule Informationstechnik in Fulda

FOS-Praktikanten (m/w/d) at the Rahmen der Fachoberschule Informationstechnik in Fulda

If one of the great workers of the region will be more like an open person
Please note that there is a large community and stone for Vielfalt, Weltoffenheit and Heimatliebe. We have a great experience with learning experiences, dual studies and einsatzmöglichkeiten in our experience.

The city of Fulda is ready for that School year 2025/2026 Practice rooms for FOS Practice Staff (m/f/d)
in the rooms of the Fachoberschule Informationstechnik

In the IT department of the city administration Fulda our practice and practice antenna were borrowed by professional exploitation of the company and obtain a first knowledge and experience in all information informaticians. As Bindeglied
switsen der Verwaltung und de zahlreichen Außenstellen take care of the IT Abteilung for an eine
Reibungslose Netzwerkanbindung, takes care of users and users with new EDV-Technik and steht as problem solver for improvement.

What we expect:
With such female and male recruiters who are flexible, communicative and motivating
and with diesem Praktikum das Berufsfeld des Informatikers in der Stadtverwaltung Fulda
learn to know. Use a device with EDV technology, knowledge of the taste and the way you can use MS-Office products if you want.

What we want:
Young and committed people can pursue an attractive profession, get to know the IT department and lay a foundation for the other
beruflichen Werdegang procure.

Important information:
Safer childbearing and childbearing children are better served according to their needs
berücksichtigt. Bewerbungen von Menschen mit interkultureller Kompetenz and/or other other statements are more incomprehensible. Bewerbungen von Frauen were especially appreciated (§ 9 HGIG).

You can visit your Bewerbung. Please submit your offer below möglichst über online-Bewerbungsverfahren.

The application has ended for the first time 31.10.2024.

The stored data will be destroyed after the separation of the sales under the protection of data protection.