
Mass reach: Around 10,000 Beschäftigte der US-Hotelindustrie legen Arbeit nieder

Mass reach: Around 10,000 Beschäftigte der US-Hotelindustrie legen Arbeit nieder

After rate management with the hotelbetreibern Marriott, Hilton and Hyatt, there are 10,000 hotels in the largest city in the US that are not nearby. “Since we are experiencing Corona, we will be happy with our three-star-belegschaft and a fun-star-service”, says the Gewerkschaft Unite here on Sunday.

24 hotels have been hit in the best travel destinations in San Francisco, San Diego, Honolulu, Boston and Seattle. The company is trying to promote labor agreements and higher costs and warn of a possible expansion of operations Stripes in another city. Hilton and Hyatt will use their Bereitschaft to fair negotiations for auction. Marriott did not respond to a message from Reuters.

The streak fell in a time that made a trip to Labor-Day-Wochenende. After the hotel staff has appointed the company, the management can often call on the Arbeit of four e-insetze. There is talk of stress and an attack of service in the area of ​​tension.

In Baltimore, the hotel guests are struggling another part with a sum of 16.20 to 20 US dollars. In Boston, we earned 28 US dollars for students, which made the company earn a number of US dollars for students, for four years. The business trip continues, your hotel bookings at Streiks are stormy and a full-fledged Erstattung to continue.