
Start of the Legend League: “Freuen us, wenn es endlich losgeht”

Start of the Legend League: “Freuen us, wenn es endlich losgeht”

If you play the legend on the ball in Upper Austria: In three minutes you can play the football matches of the countries in a punkte. I think it’s all so that it splashes and the way is. “With a few exciting things, an athlete after his career, said the director of Raphael Koch. Das muss man zur neuen Legendenliga wissen:

How does the game mode play?

After the evaluation of the Pilot phase, which wurde in the Frühjahrssaison in the three regional absolute, the OÖ-Fußballverband dies at the final Rahmenbedingungen-festgelegt. Grundsätzlich wird eleven becomes eleven about the same felt play (two four minutes). Verfügt a Mannschaft who has played a personal game does not go beyond a genügen game, so it may be that the Vereine is on a different format – who is new (from Sechzehner to Sechzehner) or if he (Halbfeld) – verständigen. “The great flexibility that the Vereinen are, says Hans Kronberger, from the representative of the Kommission Vereinsentwicklung des OÖ-Fußballverbands. Koch: “We were in this Bewerb sich kein Regelhüter sein, without a Service platform bieten.”

So in the case of Ausschlussen on the Strafausschuss it is not involved: I have lost a Red or Yellow Red card as no Sperre, while the game is no longer being played.

Welche Mannschaften since dabei?

17 Vereine haben sich for the new format reported, these parts are in three groups. In the “Legendenliga Mitte” are Eberstalzell, Neuhofen/Krems, Kematen-Piberbach, Krenglbach, Schlierbach and FC Hertha Wels am Ball. The “Legendenliga Nord” consists of Vertreter von Doppl-Hart, Gramastetten, Naarn, Ried/Riedmark and Wartberg/Aist. In the west of Eggelsberg-Moosdorf, Feldkirchen/M., Lochen, Schildorn, St. Johann/W. and St. Peter/H. An. “We have been working on it for years, that’s cool, a mastery with its own table. We have been working on the pilot phase for years, and we’ll get used to that first game,” says Michael Halva, manager of the Union Neuhofen legend teams. an der Krems. The first game of the new formats is played in the Mittwoch: A team from FC Hertha Wels plays in the Legendenliga Mitte the “Allstars” of the Spielvereinigung Kematen/Rohr, in the west of Schildorn on St. Johann/W. (next to Spiele from 7pm).

Is an uninterested gift a normal hobby?

Over the years, the hobby industry has undergone a little change – at the legendary league it is like this: the war in a mindestalter of 35 years planted, clubs and an association are for the angelaufenen bewerb a in mindestalter of 30 years fixed. Go to the Kicker nicht in a Kampfmannschaft game.

What about the Legends League?

“The first soul has a problem. It’s beautiful, that’s the first years that many clubs are financed,” said Kronberger. Improvements or increases are of course possible – in a play-off of the Liga-Sieger after the end of the season or more alternative skating categories with the increasing interest of the clubs. Kronberger: “We are now considering once again what was accepted in the first year, and we are then evaluating again.”

The first games

Legend League Mitte: Mittwoch, 7 p.m.: FC Hertha Wels – Kematen/Rohr. Legendenliga Nord: Donnerstag, 7.15 pm: Naarn – Doppl-Hart. Legend League West: Mittwoch, 7 p.m.: Schildorn – St. Johann/W.; Friday, 6pm: Eggelsberg-Moosdorf – Feldkirchen/M.


Raphael Watzinger

Sports Editor

Raphael Watzinger

Raphael Watzinger


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