
These 3 azubis from the Kitzingen district are proud of their Nachwuchsmangel

These 3 azubis from the Kitzingen district are proud of their Nachwuchsmangel

The craft has a future: For the younger generation, there is a big chance that there is a failed career. In Landkreis Kitzingen, people are starting to think about life as a Zimmerer, but it is still only a small part of the Auszubildende. Three Azubis started for the Lehre zum Metzger and start as Maurerin or Maurer. I spoke with Klara Fröhling, Sam Hedicke and Thomas Meyer, who put together the nachwuchsmangel.

1. Klara Fröhling, 17, started in the business of Ausbildung as Zimmerin

“A few years ago my brother robbed his house. I often stood at the building site and saw the room move, like they moved the walls with the crane. That was really impressive. And it was always clear to me, that was my craft, but it was a practice that was absolute at the Haag Company and was based a bit on the pictorial stage”, said Klara Fröhling.

“I always have friends: I can never leave my home alone.”

Klara Fröhling, married Zimmerin

“The industry is still one man who dominates, damn is the problem. I have a two Brüder,” said Fröhling and laughs. “I am happy with my life, that I am my companion and my wife. And, I am happy to be able to make my own home.

The power of the herausforderungen is that the Schwarzacherin Sorgen has. “While the Krane de Arbeit is vereinfacht. Manchmal muss man schon Kraft aufwenden, das ist aber machbar. And I habe the Hilfe der Arbeitskollegen”, he said in the 17th century.

Fröhling führt den Handwerksberuf in ihrer Familie weiter. “Mein Großonkel und mein Urgroßvater were auch Zimmerer. Die Ader ist da,” says Fröhling. Das Berufsgrundschuljahr (BGJ) hat die 17-Jährige schon behind sich. Jetzt follows both Jahre im Betrieb.

The 17th century is the first Auszubildende for the Zimmerei Hedge. “I find it beautiful, wenn a young woman said: I am in a crafts profession. That could be done without, and the Zimmererberuf is still wonderful,” said Jürgen Haag.

2. Sam Hedicke, 17, with his Maurer and Betonbauer design

“For me it was always clear: I will have a handiwork. If I was in our school with a lot of information about the Maurer, I thought: That is a good job. I have a practical job with a good construction experience. I’m proud of the rain and the rain during the festive season,” says Sam Hedicke.

“My Eltern is a mirror for the Wahl of Ausbildung nicht hereingeredet. Viele meiner Freunde bereits im Handwerk. Dadurch habe ich schon immer mal mitbekommen, wie es dort so abläuft”, erklärt of the angehende Maurer.

“It was a great job, I got the day off tomorrow and work was my thing.”

Sam Hedicke, Maurer-Azubi

“Other friends say that you have a good power, but that is the only thing they can do, but other people are like that too. I think that a man has the right power, so the problem will not be bigger. I am clear: I stay here”, Hedicke is überzeugt.

“If your life is strong, that is clear. Your first life was exciting, you were a man without any problems, you were a man and you were all functional. So if you were really drunk, you were a great job, you became me jeden Morgen freuen, auf die Arbeit zu gehen,” says the Azubi.

It was Hedicke’s power that he had Sorgen. “My whole thoughts are in my own hands. I think they are very good,” said Hedicke, nervously.

If you look at the view for more information, this is no longer the case. “Nach my Ausbildung würde ich in meinem Betrieb bleiben and eventualell auch de Meister machen. Aber frstmal wil Ich schauen, wie de Ausbildung läuft”, so der Azubi op de marktbreit.

3. Thomas Meyer, 17, learns the Beruf des Metzgers

“Durch meinen Opa, der Metzger ist, ich bereits as smalls Kind de Beruf erlernen. Auch mein Onkel hat die Ausbildung abgeschlossen and bereibt heute einen Viehhandel. After two weeks of practice with the Metzgerei Deininger stand dann my Entscheidung fest”, reports Thomas Meyer from Marktsteftstolz.

“Thomas is busy for a year. If the year continues, it is a day in the world of another adventure and learning the battles. Thomas has taken over his knowledge and done the self-service. If we come again, slaughtered in the Betrieb, then we can not forget it”, explains Metzgermeister Stephan Jamm.

“Durch meinen Opa, der Metzger ist, ich bereits as smalls Kind erlernen the Beruf.”

Thomas Meyer, associate Metzger

The writers are embarrassed by Meyer with the packaging of meat and sausage products: “It is interesting to me and I think, if I do the Ausbildung, then it will be a decent machine,” said Thomas Meyer.

Friends and family have given a hint about the turmoil of the azubis: “Everything in my environment finds my Entscheidung gut. I have my own positive feedback.”

“Wir hätten gerne mehr Azubis. But dieses Jahr ist Thomas der einzige. Davor hatte ich zwei keinen Auszubildenden. Daher freue ich mich wie Bolle, dass Thomas bei us anfängt! There is one man, they are one thing more muss. There is one Het is a good idea to make an independent choice because it is super good,” said Jamm.

Do you want to finance the Ausbildungsplatz?

157 Auszubildende starting a diesem Montag im Countrykreis Kitzingen in a craft beruf. Registered with the Handwerkskammer for Lower Franconia 2310 new Lehrverträge; a slight Plus of 1.9 Prozent in Vergleich zum Vorjahr.

Interested applicants and applicants can still choose from among the 1650 free training places in an uncomplicated craft. Chamber of Crafts chairman Michael Bissert said in a press conference of the Chamber of Crafts: “The first craft has never been so good as the Chamber of Crafts goes even further.”

Source: jug