
Vom Hirschgeweih bis zum Lift: Luxushotel verhökert sein Inventar

Vom Hirschgeweih bis zum Lift: Luxushotel verhökert sein Inventar


Gstaad BEVom Hirschgeweih bis zum Lift: Luxushotel verhökert sein Inventar

Before the big Umbau bought the Park Hotel in Gstaad, it was a purposeful enterprise. If there is no small change being sold, it could be a luxury luxury.

Simon Ulrich
  • The Park Hotel in Gstaad was embraced in September 2024.

  • By coming to Donnerstag with his service, a large liquidation statistic is found, after the inventor of the company has started.

  • Liquidator Jürg Hoss is aware that a large part of the goods can be rejected.

The Park Hotel in Gstaad is more Monaten geschlossen. Whoever has the Fachportal “Hotelinside” will gain control over the 5-star resort of the Luxushotelgruppe Four Seasons in July. The Neueröffnung was planted before May 2026. The Umbauarbeiten will start in September 2024.

The renovation is now a big job: Leather armchairs, sofas, restaurant tables, serving trolleys, cutlery, bar tables, silver polish and popcorn machines, fitness equipment, minibars, hotel beds – small inventions can be carried out in the following way.

«True in top condition»

Liquidator Jürg Hoss was responsible for the fact that 3,000 and 4,000 objects were sold – “ohne jeden Porzellan-Teller einzeln zu zählen”. The 62 year old concrete, the Park Hotel was completely renovated in 2010. The Einrichtungen, Geräte and Gastroartikelen are not relatively new to industry innovation. “I have a lot of experience, that is true in a single Top-Situation in the sales history,” says Hoss, of the liquidation history in Zollikon ZH since 30 Years in the future Generation führt.

Das wohl spektakulärste Verkaufsobjekt: Historischer Aufzug mit Holzkabine en reich verzierter schmiedeeisernerner Umrandung.

Das wohl spektakulärste Verkaufsobjekt: Historischer Aufzug mit Holzkabine en reich verzierter schmiedeeisernerner Umrandung.

The spectacular sales objects will look at the historical history of the Holzkabine and the rich ornamental border, from the closure of the hotels in the Operation War. Built his Greater are the 1910 built Elevator at the ehesten for a gross Apartment or an old Commercial Building geignet. «In an apartment or a small house you can see the forgotten», said Hoss and laughs. The sales prizes of the Fahrstuhls are there, who has another price, nor is there any talk of partying. “Ich estimze but, there would be between 10,000 and 30,000 Francs moving.”

Deutlich alltagstauglicher since the Tranchier- und Flambierwagen des französischen Silberbesteck-Herstellers Christofle. “They sounded like the Rolls-Royce of gastronomy in the 30s and 40s,” says Hoss. However, we can welcome guests during dinner with a noble service car, including 5,000 francs and 10,000 francs in return. Black is used on the internet, but it is a thing. “Bei perhaps vergleichbaren Objekten weist die Haube aber einen Sprung auf of das Silber ist verbult”, the high price is justified.

Would you like to stay home for dinner with a service car?

Would you like to stay home for dinner with a service car?

Even more impressive are the furnishing facilities of the rooms and suites. A double game from the French traditional manufacturer Treca is available for about 800 francs. “The new trip is about 3000 francs,” says Hoss. A restaurant is available for 80 or 90 francs.

80 percent is sold

The liquidator is aware that a large part of the business can be sold. “There’s been an 80 percent gone,” says Hoss, the new luxury hotels and houses that the invention of the Swissair sales have done. Der Rest often became a joint institution.

The Hotelfeeling in your own four walking holes? With one of the 125 bets it is possible.

The Hotelfeeling in your own four walking holes? With one of the 125 bets it is possible.

Neben zahlreichen Privateen und Betrieben with clear Kaufabsichten be immer auch Leute, die aus purder Neugier an die Liquidation kamen, says Hoss: «Aber auch the halt meistens etwas in den Handen, wenn sie nach Hause gehen – and wenn es nur a Kochschürze oder a Pfanne ist.»

Der Verkauf findet von Donnerstag bis Dienstag, 5. bis 10. September, jeweils von neun bis 17 Uhr an der Wispilenstrasse 29 in Gstaad statt (Sonntag geschlossen). Parkiert can be in Parkhaus Ober-Gstaad at Lauenenstrasse 34.

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