
SIAL Paris: The Messe for Lebensmittelinnovation

SIAL Paris: The Messe for Lebensmittelinnovation

7,500 Aussteller welding 400,000 Product costs. Paris is scheduled for 19. to 23. October at the Food Industry Meeting Point. Like SIAL, the world metropolis is becoming the international capital of the food industry.

SIAL Paris celebrated an anniversary
From 1964 onwards, the SIAL Paris Fachleute aus all Welt zu Themen was rund um the Ernährung sisterammen. Gemäß ihrem Leitgedanken is de Veranstaltung seit jeher een Ort der Begegnung en des Austauschs. Here are the best ways to do business, look for business activity and dynamics, a business trip to the future.
SIAL Paris 2024: in the Olympic city and “Own the change” and innovation on both occasions.

SIAL for change
Before the background of the theme ‘Own the Change’ gets to SIAL Paris, a prize for the social representation of companies (CSR) is offered. With the Award ‘SIAL For Change’, the CSR is integrated into its internal strategy, so that it receives more attention and protection in the corporate strategy. On Tuesday, 22 October, the prize will be awarded (SIAL Talks in Halle 5a).

SIAL Innovation
The SIAL innovation is an international instrument for market research of innovation in the Lebensmittelindustrie. The SIAL Zeichnet Innovationen with a zwanzig themebezogen Awards, which have become after Branchen (Milchproducts, Meeresfrüchte, Tiefkühlkost, Gastronomie etc.). This includes the Special Prize: „Own the Change“ (CSR), Start-up Prize, Publikumspreis, Jubiläumspreis „60 Years of SIAL“, Top 3-Länderpreis, Afrika-Preis as well as Konzeptpreis für Innovation in der Ührerer Entwicklung. Preisverleihung ist am Stag, 19. October (SIAL Talks in Halle 5a).
There were reports about the product of the SIAL-Innovation-Auswahl at the new Forum SIAL Taste zu trybieren (Halle 6).

SIAL Paris 2024: 400,000 Klassiker, Neuheiten und Innovationen zum Verkosten
Publisher SIAL Paris
Trends SIAL Paris
SIAL Innovation
Start-up SIAL Paris

SIAL Insights 2024