
WAHL-BLOG/AfD in Thuringia makes it clear to the CDU – CDU will take government photos | 02.09.24

WAHL-BLOG/AfD in Thuringia makes it clear to the CDU – CDU will take government photos | 02.09.24

The overview in Kurzmeldungen zu Einschätzungen around the Landtagswahlen in Saxony and Thuringia:

AfD in Thuringia makes it clear to the CDU – CDU will govern

In Thuringia, the Constitutional Protection is a right-wing extremist founded AfD for the Landtagswahl, which has gained a strong force and has grown with 32.8 percent for the CDU, which has landed for 23.6 percent. It is very good that you can use the endergebnis. The Bündnis Sahra Wagenknecht (BSW) lands on 15.8 percent, the Linke on 13.1 percent, the SPD on 6.1 percent, the Greens on 3.2 percent and the FDP on 1.1 percent. Damit is deutet itself in Thuringia a swinging government education and. The AfD will die the government images, while the other parties die out. The CDU will now give the AfD a government image. If you connect to the link over time, this is the case.

CDU in Saxony snaps for the AfD – Schwierige Regierungsbildung

In Saxony, the CDU has become the strongest force with 31.9 percent ahead of the AfD, which has landed 30.6 percent. It is very good that you can use the endergebnis. The Bündnis Sahra Wagenknecht (BSW) lands on 11.8 percent, the Linke on 4.5 percent, the Grünen on 5.1 percent, the SPD on 7.3 percent and the FDP on 0.9 percent. If deutet in Saxony has a schwirgen Regierungsbildung, the BSW is of the Zünglein and the Waage, when the CDU or the AfD will have a Regierungsbilden.

Unionspolitiker erwarten “äußerst schwierige” Regierungsbildungen

The Union’s Spitzenpolitiker is a very cautious government in the fight against the Landtagswahlen in Saxony and Thuringia. “There are now reformed coalitions for the CDU and,” said the parliamentary Geschäftsführer of the Unions Fraktion in the Bundestag, Thorsten Frei, of the Augsburger Allgemeinen. Sowohl in Saxony as in Thuringia beanspruche the CDU das Amt des Regierungschefs, erklärte Frei. “Aus des ergebnissen follow jeweils ein clearer Auftrag zur Regierungsbildung für die CDU”, er concreted. Auch der Bayerische CSU-Landtagsfractionschef Klaus Holetschek erwartet langwieerde Verhandlungen in Saxony and Thuringia. “Die Regierungsbildung wird in both Ländern äußersig sein”, he stated. “It’s clear, that’s the Union in Saxony and Thuringia, the Minister Presidents are asking,” says the CSU politician.

Politologist also sees BSW in NRW über 5 Prozent

Political scientist Professor Frank Decker from Bonn has sent the German Sahra Wagenknecht (BSW) to the Landtagswahlen in Saxony and Thuringia in West Germany and NRW. “The BSW has strong resonance in Eastern Germany. After all, it is also possible to have German establishments and the Linke verdrängen are – also in NRW, the BSW is also available in Germany over 5 years,” said the Rheinischen Post. Zur AfD lautetete seine Prognose: “The AfD is a federal government, and it will be able to survive in NRW – but not in the future. It is also German in the West and Eastern Germany. It will be special in the NRW and there will be further immunization Right-wing extremism.” The war of the Federal Police against the Wahlen-signer-war after the biggest problem, says Decker: “The Bundeseffekt started with the Landtagswahlen deutlich as son of the Krieg and Frieden, der Unzufriedenheit met der Ampel-Regierung und Migrationsfragen.”

FDP-Vorstand Vogt für Ende der Ampel-Koalition in Berlin

Part of the German Wahlnerlagen in Saxony and Thuringia focuses on the FDP-Bundesvorstand and the Schleswig-Holstein FDP faction-faction-faction Christopher Vogt for an end to the Zusammenarbeit with SPD and Grünen in the Koalition in Berlin. Vogt said in Zur Bild-Zeitung: “The signal of citizens and citizens is yet final: There is an urgent need for a clear course in the migration and economic policy in Berlin. All things change with my happiness, that dies with the Greens and Teilen der SPD is not capable.” The Wahlergebnisse for the FDP “a catastrophe. A ‘Weiter so’ cannot be an option,” said Vogt.

Czaja fordert Aufhebung des Vereinbarkeitsbeschlusses zur Linken

After the Landtagswahl in Thuringia, the new CDU General-General Mario Czaja has instructed his part of the government to take up unresolved decisions regarding the Left Party. “It is absurd, it is a company that wants to run a pragmatic business,” says Czaja dem Redaktiosnetzwerk Deutschland (RND). “That Wahrheit ist, however, that the Linke in Ostdeutschland in large Teilen a conservative Sozialdemokratie ostdeutscher Prägung ist”, fügte der Bundestagsabgeordnete hindzu. “The CDU has adopted the interpretation of the Hufeisen theory in a nutshell. The sparrows will be heraus.”

Voigt schließt Zusammenarbeit mit Linken in Thuringia nicht aus

Mario Voigt, the CDU’s top candidate in Thuringia, has a vision of the selection process at the Landtag selection process, a joint work with the Left Party no longer out. Zur Bild-Zeitung said that we would have spread an excerpt from part of the story: “It will be a large part of the consequences and then in the next day in the assemblies besprechen.” Make sure that the Left Party in Thuringia has established the tolerance of a CDU minority government in Aussicht. If the CDU makes a decision, there will be a cooperation with the Left Party and the AfD.

DIW: Wahlergebnis in Thuringia and Saxony with erhebliche Konsequenzen haben

Nach Ansicht von Marcel Fratzscher, chairman of the German Institutes for Economic Research (DIW Berlin), is in charge of all AfD and BSW in Saxony and Thuringia, with economic and social consequences. “Most of all, the AfD is for an extreme neoliberal economic policy, for protection and an Abschottung of Europe, for a little Zuwanderung of Fachkräften and a small Offenheit and Vielfalt,” says. When the AfD failed to enter the Regierungsverantwortung in both Bundesländern, their legacy became a major influence on the powerful politics in Thuringia and Saxony in Business, Soziales and Zuwanderung haben. “Die Gefahr ist groß, dass dieser Folg de Wirtschaft und de Wohlstand in einen Bundesländern schmälern und die große wirtschaftlichen Erfolge der Vergangenheit infragestellen wird”, warnte er.

Wagenknecht nennt Bedingungen für BSW-Regierungsbeteiligung

The politician Sahra Wagenknecht sees the Swedish Wahlergebnisse party as a sign for the Unzufriedenheit over the Politics and ensures a stable Regie for Thuringia. If the CDU gets to work, its responsibility will increase. You can try another American policy in Germany and more Peace and Diplomacy. “Das werden onze bedingungen für eine Regierung sein”, as in the ZDF. If you see that this Ziele is in a Bundnis with the CDU and the other parties, the man who struggles with the SPD, could become.

Höcke: Ohne AfD stabilizes Verhältnisse in Thuringia

The AfD Spitzencandidate for Thuringia, Björn Höcke, has made a bet with the Landesregierung by forcing the Absagen of other Parteien. “Man would never have started before, if a stable Verhältnisse für Thuringia wants,” he said in the ZDF, after his party with the Landtagswahl had become the strongest party in the East German Bundesland. In Thuringia, man has had a minority government for many years. “Ein Weiter-so kann es in diesen Konstellationen nicht geben. Ohne the AfD einzubinden, gibt es keine Stabilität for Thuringia,” it said. The Thuringian-hätten für Veränderungen gewählt.

Kretschmer schließt für Sachsen Zusammenarbeit mit der AfD aus

The Saxony CDU Prime Minister Michael Kretschmer has taken control of the AfD over the postponed budget. Other people were with the other parties who had a human reason, the man for the country was a woolly man who got credit in the ZDF. His halt is: “With Demut dem Land serves and sees, ob man zusammen kommt”, says in ZDF.

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September 2, 2024 02:26 ET (06:26 GMT)