
Catastrophe for Wladimir Putin: Militärkolonne soll 3000 Kreml-Soldaten retten and completely destroyed

Catastrophe for Wladimir Putin: Militärkolonne soll 3000 Kreml-Soldaten retten and completely destroyed

It is a more massive shock for Vladimir Putin’s troops. In the event of a Drohnenangriff in the Kursk region, a Russian military colony will be established. There, these 3,000 Kremlin soldiers must be rescued.

  • Was I Ukraine-War what is important is
  • Catastrophe for the Putin Army: Convoy zerstört
  • Unzählige brennerde Fahrzeuge in Drohnen-Video zu sehen

Was my Ukraine-Krieg considered important: Vladimir Putin in February 2022, the Krieg began to leave the Ukraine and time stopped with a Fünftel in the Nachbarland. Seit Anfang August asks the Ukrainian Armed Forces in Russia about and how they can strengthen their own country, in the context of the Kursk activities. Besides, Belgorod is blessed with forests. The Russian troops are following the assessment of the military forces at the Front Abschnitt Pokrowsk in the Ostukraine with high tempo vor.

Read more:

Catastrophe for the Putin Army in Ukraine – Krieg action: Kompletter Konvoi zerstört

Documentation of events in Ukraine-War with front videos. If you want to know more about this message, hang an angebliche message from the message of Putin-Truppen. In a rule of Drohnenangriff in the Kursk region will be established a Russian military colony. If the angry person has received a message, a message has appeared.

  • The convoy transport the support for the construction of the Pontonbrücken over the Fluss Seim, including 3,000 Russian Truppen abgeschnitten and eingesselt since.
  • The Ukrainian hat in the passages that are three of the most important bridges over the river crossing is a furious look at Russian territory.

Unzählige brennerde Fahrzeuge in Drohnen-Video zu sehen

One of the videos offered appeared via Messenger Telegram and später beim Kurznachrichtendienst X (ehemals Twitter) Verbreitung fand, said that the next one Drohnenangriffs on the Konvoi. Zahlreiche ausgebrannte und Verlassene Fahrzeuge since entlang een Straße in der Nähe des Dorfes Zvannoe zu sehen. Weitere von een Ukrainian Drohne has seen images that the Fahrzeuge on the Straße nach dem Angriff.

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