
Half of the workers will work less

Half of the workers will work less

More than half of the civilized in Germany will be made a mistake – and a Drittel is ready, sich dafür freizukaufen. For more hours on stage are 34 products of the company so that we can earn money with an image in the archive of the career work Xing ergab.

High Labor Tax and Bad Stimmung

Viele Mitarbeiter: inspüren die Folgen unbesetzter Stellen in ihrem Unternehmen: Über 40 Prozent der Befragten gaben an, dass ihr Unternehmen Schwierigkeiten habe, geeignetes zu finden, während 30 Prozent von einer höhten Arbeitsbelastung und einer schlechten Atmosphäre at Arbeitsplatz sp rachen.

You may be getting a sense of the idea that you’re in for even more trouble. While the “Baby Boomer” and “Gen X” jewelry generations have grown in size over the past 63 years, “Millennials” and “Gen Z” are no longer known to wear jewelry up to 50 percent of the time.

With the right financial travel opportunities you can imagine more, such as the best things you can do: good bonuses and prizes, a higher level or such a short internship.

“This experience says that the description in Germany means that you will be happy with your private job without having to worry about it,” said Xing-Geschäftsführer Thomas Kindler.

I have stayed in Germany in the year 2023 during the week at 34.4 hours and have lost a European duration of 36.9 hours. Dennoch wollen generations has reduced 49 percent of its working time – until the Spitze the “Gen Z” has survived with 53 percent, closely followed by half of the “Millennials” and 48 percent of the “Gen X”. Of the generation of the “baby boomers”, the current Ruhestand is now already 37 percent of the time busy with reducing working hours. Only new percent of the topics are gladly worked more.

Men could use more work-life balance than women

Fulfill half of the needs, with your own work-life balance or your personal life balance. At 49 percent, a woman has moved on to exercising her work and private rights as a man (55 percent).

The Angaben-zufolge wurden Anfang July 3.500 Arbeitnehmer im Alter zwischen 18 und 65 Jahren in Deutschland, Österreich und der Schweiz vom Marktforschungsinstitut Appinio in a representative of Online-Umfrage befragt. (dpa)