
Final missed? All following messages will be broadcast on RTL+

Final missed? All following messages will be broadcast on RTL+

“I am a star – Showdown of the Dschungel-Legenden” on free TV or on stream

Dschungelcamp 2024: Den Legenden-Dschungel im RTL-Livestream on RTL+ stream

Neuer Dschungelcamp-Moderator Köppe

2024 Sonja Zietlow and Jan Köppen started the legend of “Ich bin ein Star – Showdown der Dschungel-Legenden”.

sab, dpa

Stream Den Legenden-Dschungel on RTL+!

Once the Schengelcamp spa has been found in the summer season, the first candidates can see a lager fire and an exclusivity of the company on RTL+ lately.

Summer Dschungelcamp: Ganze will follow via RTL+ streaming

Seit dem 16. August said RTL-täglich at 8.15 pm “Ich bin ein Star – Showdown der Dschungel-Legenden” – and on RTL+ on August 15 im Stream! Parallel to the Ausstrahlung, “Ich bin ein Star – Showdown der Dschungel-Legenden” can be seen in RTL-Livestream on RTL+. New followers of Legenden-Dschungelcamp always have a Tag for TV-Ausstrahlung on RTL+ to watch.

Summer Dschungelcamp: Diese Legendenwagen sich als Candidaten erneut in den Dschungel