
Hunderte Hafenarbeiter demonstrates against MSC Deal

Hunderte Hafenarbeiter demonstrates against MSC Deal

We are going for the final immunity in the Hamburg citizenship over the E-instieg of the Reederei MSC at the Hafenlogistiker HHLA and are not a single Hunderte Hafenarbeiter from the protest on the street. A demonstration of the Landungsbrücken took place in the Rathaus of the HHLA-Zentrale in the Hafencity, where the Schätzungen of Beobachtern more Hundert Menschen were. The police have no official function at Zahl. See the orange and yellow-warn the Stopp-Schilder with the Zusatz MSC Deal.

Neben Verdi-Bannern were members of the Kundgebung, zahlreiche Flaggen and Parolen left-wing extremist organizations with DKP or MLPD and of anarchists who were there. In speeches, the demonstrators demanded “Unser Hafen, unsere Stadt, Power den MSC-Deal platt!” and “Hoch die international Solidarität!”. Some demonstrators are protesting Palästinensertücher, others are saying “Freiheit für Palästina!”. Polizisten in Schutzausrüstung supervised the demonstration. The protest continued after the police, which continued to affect traffic control.

MSC soll 49.9 Prozent der HHLA übernehmen

The Hamburg Senate can stabilize the Reederei Mediterranean Shipping Company (MSC) and the Hamburger Hafen en Logistik AG (HHLA) and the container battle. Die Stadt soll dabei 50.1 Prozent und MSC 49.9 Prozent an dem Unternehmen halten. Bislang gehörten der Stadt rund 70 Prozent, der Rest war in Streubesitz.

Immediately, MSC will quickly close the shipping terminals and the HHLA terminals in the coming years and by 2031 in a Million Standard Container. Daneben will leave the Schweizer Reederei in Hamburg with a new Deutschlandzentrale bauen and cohabit with the city of the HHLA own capital with a stock of 450 million euros.

Deal sollte longest durchgewinkt signal

Ownership of the deal of the Hamburg citizenship would be accepted in the last sitting before the summer break. After the opposition had received the abschlyende second lesson, it would have started on September 4 in the first sitting after the summer break. The vision of the Zwei-Drittel-Mehrheit von Rot-Grün in parliament is keinen Zweifel and a separation in the sense of the Senate.

If you look at Verdi and Hafenbeschäftigten gefährdet der Deal, then there is no Arbeitsplätze at the HHLA, among other things Hafenunternehmen which are the Gesamthafenbetrieb (GHB) and the Lasch-Betrieben. Zudem is MSC by the geschäft factisch waitgehende vetorechte. A part of the knowledge that the expert has involved in the deal, another von pronounced a “historical mistake”.

Wider stand on the rot-green base

Make sure you sit on the rotting Basis Widerstand. In a short letter about social democracy at the Democratic Link Forum at 21 years old. Jahrhundert (DL21) of the SPD Abgeordneten in Parliament will stimulate the deal with them. Auch der Landesverband der Grünen Jugend lehnt de MSC-Einstieg ab. “The great heritage of one’s own human beings has a positive impact on the living environment of the city,” says the Landessprecher der Grünen Jugend, Berkay Gür. MSC has fully expressed its interest, “its own business in the chef, his global position weiter auszubauen and private Reichtum zu moremehren”.

The initiative “Sozialdemokrat für die HHLA in öffentlicher Hand” writes in ihrem offenen Short: “The common heritage of the world – with health care, energy management, ÖPNV or other industries – zigen: Privatisierungen der öffentlichen Infrastruktur stärken de private Monopolmacht, verste nach stop the Staatsk axes and deteriorations bring for that civilization as well as that Gesamtbevölkerung.” As part of the infrastructure, the ports become a democratic control and serve the economic interests of all.