
George RR Martin sees zur zweiten Staffel Gesprächsbedarf

George RR Martin sees zur zweiten Staffel Gesprächsbedarf

House of the Dragon Group 2 did not want to encourage all fans. In the final of the final you can take a closer look at the content of the publications. Dazu is now The Song of Ice and Fire-Schöpfer George RR Martin zu Wort, op die weitläufigem universe van de series schließlich basiert.

In my blog it is clear that it is first caused by an Australian trip and that the themes have never changed. But his thoughts are House of the Dragon Tier 2, end of August, is definitely no longer available.

Because Martin himself did not know that he had been with the Entwicklungen, he did not want to know more: ‘I am glad I did not have other experiences, that I wrote more than anything, was both House of the Dragon sief lief … Aber ich muss das tun ich hebe es.”

If it is no longer so, if we want to see everything we want to see – and it is not the first thing that is the criticism of the series, which is in the basic book. So it is no longer necessary to do this, dass House of the Dragon the symbol for the Haus Targaryen is incorrect. The Abgebildete Drache must be idiosyncratic, no four beine haben, so Martin, there comment, that your man is sludert hätte. „Kein Tier, das jemals auf der Erde lebte, hat sechs Gliedmasßen.“