
Go to the Harley Banker

Go to the Harley Banker

Professionally, at the Bank CIC in Zurich, the Fäden is a private gift on a Harley-Davidson gas: that Davide Castrini was hit during a motorcycle tour in Engadin.

Die Haut von der Sonne gebräunt, etwas müde, aber zufrieden: Diesen first Eindruck vermittelt Davide Castriniif there is a spätsommerlichen Freitagabend in Hotel Donatz in Samedan in Erscheinung tritt.

Take a look at the 52-year history of a successful banking career. In the 1980s and 1990s the 1980s worked as a private company at UBS in Biel and Grenchen.

Wurzeln in Umbria and Solothurn

Der Sohn italienischer Einwanderer aus Umbria ist in Solothurnischen aufgewachsen, his dialect was bis heute verrät.

It is a bald dream to spend years at the Bank CIC, the Zurich Lower License with around 20 employees is low.

Excursion with Harley Chef

If you ever find a job, you can become one of the private Leiden residents of the Motorradfahren. Gemeinsam mit Iwan SteinerHarley-Davidson’s Schweiz boss and a few foreign journalists are on a small Wednesday tour of the new motorcycling of American repairers from Milwaukee.

Information about the travel experience of the Grand Tour of Switzerland, a Swiss Tourism concept for motorcycle travel, the best Strecks with the Swiss Gastfreundschaft connection – in this year’s visit to Zürich’s travels in the Appenzellerland (with a stopover in the village) and after Samedan in Engadin.

«Beinahe kitischige Kulisse»

Davide Castrini orders a panache and begins his experience: «The Fahrt over the Flüela-Pass-war is fantastic. You can earn relatively little money and the coarser Wetter-hat for a kitsch schöne Kulisse-sorgt.»

The hobby of motorcycling is from his 40th birthday. A day that eliminates the banker’s family and the family of friends, under the motorcyclist. Damit had a Bubentraum experience, said Castrini. “I knew: If it is not mache, then mache it is not.”

Töff-Prüfung voor zölf Jahren

The Töff-Trüfung sets for minor serious challenges. “I learned it really fast.” Anyway, it’s one of the practical consequences of a Harley-Davidson drive. “The expert wars started with the Sportster Iron 883 – a motorcycle race started to play no more,” says Davide Castrini and laughs.

For the American traditions of Harley-Davidson it is so that there are more and more friends. Sein Nachbar fuhr ebenfalls Harley, see your chef at the Bank CIC. “Everything is unanimous: this money is Harley’s own.” In one of the lunch breaks it goes together with the chef of a Zurich Harley-Vertretung and a kaufte of the Sportster.

From Sportster 883 to Breakout

In the Zwischenzeit it is likely that the Kilometer on its Zweirad is absolute. The Sportster 883 from the Anfängerzeiten is a breakout weight. I am proud to be with Castrini as a “Gelegenheits- und Schönwetterfahrer”. Akribisch research is a jewel in the Wetterbericht, before it was in its Motorcycle swing. Gerade on more Touren girls is in itself aber but not still avoided, etwas nass zu zijn.

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Iwan Steiner, chef of Harley-Davidson Switzerland, with banker Castrini in St. Moritz. (Photo: zVg)

In the first line treasure of the Banker das «Gefühl von Freiheit» on Rädern, connected with an unmittelbaren Naturerlebnis. “Beim Motorradfahren is not planning, the most speed from A nach B zu kommen, without the most possible genders.”

New machines

And who will do both if the Castrini is the Harley-Ausfahrt in the Bündnerland-gefahren? There are Sportster Sun and the Pan America-gefahren, erzählt er. The compact Sportster S is straight on the road, the Pan America runs on a new deck: “If you do an Offroader trade, your man sits on your other way.” If you have your own legs, it may be that you have a sports injury on your arm.

Das Töff-Fahren, director of the head of the Bank CIC in Zurich, was responsible for the often hectic financial sector in Ausgleich. “Man must draw a grim conclusion and however he has a good idea, a thank you for his feelings.” Gemeinsam mit Freunden has a varied multi-day «Ride, Wine & Dine» tours undercommon.

Customers are also running fast

Nothing from this Grund kenne is a banker, the biker. Insondere Harley. “There are many alternatives for Private Banking-Kunden.” If you can contact this theme, it is a “Glücksfall” that is very good to get a bond.

A bond that belongs to the financial sector for Harley-Davidson is possible. Normally, Harley-drivers are considered if you have more options. If there is a stationary force, you can immediately talk to other drivers.

Roast beef and wine

Etwas am Abend – das Abendessen (Roastbeef) is mittlerweile vorbei and also that one or other Flasche Wein ist über de Tisch gegangen – kommen we nor of the Schattenseiten von Davide Castrinis Töff-Leidenschaft zu sprechen.

It is often the case that in the tank stand one of the best things a motorcycle club can come up with is in the form of the weld. “Obviously, since I was there, I would rather not come to a confrontation,” said Castrini, laughing.

Part of the Töff fascination

And in other locations the weather forecast is wrong, soft drinks are on the Fahrt from St. Tropez to Hause full by time and unreal work.

Solche Erlebnisseien zwar im gebenen Moment sehr unerfreulich, bilanziert der Motorradfahrer. When you sit in the backpack, you see an element of the Töff fascination.