
Saxony-Anhalt-Tag in Stendal – Das sind die Macher

Saxony-Anhalt-Tag in Stendal – Das sind die Macher

The historian

If Hitze is in the same black coat and with Hut under war one of the best Saxony-Anhalter: Martin Luther dared not fehlen at the Landesfeest. Bernhard Neumann is the own Church Master of the Stadtkirche and Luther Darsteller – in the Ehrenamt.

We would like to build a piece in Saxony-Anhalt, with our own city, with Wittenberg.

Bernhard Neumann, Luther-Darsteller

“We want to leave a piece for Saxony-Anhalt, with our city, with Wittenberg”, is a radiant. While the temperature during the summer is impressed by guests, a picture of the reformer and the reformer can occur – the woolly man. Freude bereite ihm das alles, said there. It is a machine in my spa, a great historical figure of the sock in the hole and the grip of the machine – for everyone. Especially that the spontaneous discussions are so bad. He is with Leib and Seele Wittenberger.

The Eulenmann

Neugierig look at the Uhu-Dame um, the Jens Haberlandt with nach Stendal brought hat. “De wollen einfach die ganze Umgebungen. See alle: Wer läuft here hierum? Welche Tiere since da? Sitzen Vögel im Baum or der sind Hunde in der Nähe?” The Saxony-Anhalt-Tag is exciting for the Eule, erklärte Haberlandt. Patiently erläuterte is the Besuchern das Verhalten of impressive Tieres.

As for wollen de Leuten, it was one of those things that happened in nature that could call upon a non-charging station.

Jens Haberlandt – der “Eulenmann”

Jens Haberlandt further said: “Wollen de Leuten said, it was ours in nature nor gibt and welche Arbeit wir in unserer Auffangststation leisten.” There is no mention of “Eulenmann”. There is another in Bernburg an Auffangstation für Wildvögel. If your Eulen calls on Seniorenheime. In recent years, the Sachsen-Anhalt-Tag has no longer had a Hingucker, but a Türöffner, one of the nature conservation brands on the machine.