
Pickel am Po loswerden: Diese Hausmittel zaubern reine Haut

Pickel am Po loswerden: Diese Hausmittel zaubern reine Haut


The allermeisten of a meal and wieder Pickel in Po, such as Buttne, are made. The small rotten can get into the harmful rules and a cosmetic problem as a medical problem. In one of the cases you can hide the hint of Pickeln am Po aber auch Erkrankungen.

When the Pusteln come, whoever pickels on Po can and wants to be an autumn for the Arzt bzw. who are doctors, lies here the most.

Welche Ursachen haben Pickel am Po?

Pickel am Po ertshen, when the Haut is traveled or too dry. An incorrect malnutrition can cause a great debt in the unsatisfactory clothing, long sitting or a loose swimming clothing.

While the moist, warm environment in the inland region is a paradise for bakeries, there are also häufig pickels, which are ideal for refreshments.

Pickel am Po können aber auch hormone Ursachen haben. Hormones in the laurel cycle, a schpregnancy or the Wechseljahre can be expressed by an unprocessed high merkbar machine.

Another Grund für Hautunreinheiten is ungesunder Lebensstil. A simple meal of Fast Food and Zucker can get you started on Pickel and Pickel. Auch Rauchen und wenig Schlaf kan sie de Auslöser voor een unclean Haut mit großen Poren und Pickeln sein.

Home Remedies for Pickle on Po

Pickel am Po lassen itself in the rule gut with household treatment. Welcher der the following tips for this in Frage kommt, aim it at the best Hauttyp. It’s good here.

The following home remedies are used when we use Pickel am Po:

1. Meersalz-Bad

Is it so that the Haut im Urlaub is perhaps purer than its home? It is all in the Meerwasser. The meat that the salt contains is sorted by the entungshemmmende Wirkung dafür, dass Pickel schwinderschwinden.

Go to the house and drink another portion of Meersalz, either as a sitz bath in the lukewarm bath water or as a Meersalz peeling under the shower.

Here is one of the best options More like Badezusatz at Amazon*

2. Heilerde-Corper Mask

Was I looking for Pickel and clogged pores help, also functions on the head. If it is good, the overproduction of sebum comes about, and it can be that Pickel on Po-schneller comes loose.

If you have the damage to the maintenance of the buttne set, it may be that you restore a mask of your own. Mix 3 Teelöffel Heilerde with a shake cooled Kammillentee. Slow the mix on the affected places on a girl that approx. 20 minutes.

When everything under the fabric is washed, it is time to lose weight and remove a hose from the luftdurchlässigem fabric. The mask is one of the tests you can do during the warm-up.

Tip: If you have not yet received a mask from the mask, you can also request other Hautstellen. Zum Beispiel is active in sight or on the oberenridges.

Here you can order directly from Amazon.*

Hausmittel vs. Pickel am Po: Heilerde
Heilerde is fire and gold as a workshop Hausmittel against Pickel am Po. Credit: Amazon

3. Chamomile sitz bath

Chamomile is one of the most important household items with all kinds of possibilities. Moreover, the care of the pickles at the end of the day can help the flowers of the chamomile.

I work with Sitzbäder with Kamillenblüten-Auszügen (gibt’s here at Amazon*). Add a few drops of the essence to the bath water, one of the many lost waters.

4. Sunlight

Yes, zu viel Sonne can be our highest damages. It was not even possible to find out: UV radiation is not visible for a healthy product, but the production of vitamin D products is reigns.

Let the Sonne dabei fall, the Pickel „auszutrocknen“. Gerade in Urlaub solltest du deinem Po daher ein bisschen Sonne goonnen and ihn von der nassen Badebekleidung befreien. In general: One thing is not forgotten.

Tip: If you have a high temperature and you do not use your pickel, a sensitive sun cream or chemical filter has been used. Here it has only been tested vorab. The false cream can no longer be applied properly.

Reading tip: Reibeisenhaut were loose: That’s the end of the day

5. Zinc ointment

If you are a stronger leader or another Pickel nearby, the phrase can be useful. Zinc works as a disinfectant and works on the Pickel aus.

What it’s all about: Slow down the cream from the cleansed skin – am best after the shower – and the girl is a full-fledged look and trocknen, before you see this.

Order Zinc Ointment from Abtei directly from Amazon here.*

If the Pickel is nearby, the sentence can be useful. They work antibacterial and spoil the Haut.

Pickel am Po foresight

In Sachen Pickeln am Po the motto is: Precaution is better than subsequent care. It may be that Pickel is not used first in the kitchen. Here come with the same tips:

1. Baumwollslips-tragene

If you make a mistake, you can make a mistake when removing Pickeln in the Po beitragen. If you are worried next time, you should take the laundry out of the Baumwolle-traden. It is an active and enjoyable activity. In Sachen Sleepzug gilded: Love a light nightgown made of Baumwolle as a Sleepzug from synthetic fabrics.

And: Wechsle Bettwäsche and Schlafanzug regularly. Those who often choose the Schlafanzug are here the most.

2. Rollback prohibited

One of the best beauties, the most recent jeans experiences are luftig geschnittene Hosen and Röcke from Baumwollstoff-tragen. Die scheuern nicht der Haut und verhindern so, dass sich Pusteln en unterirdische Pickel am Po bilden.

3. Peelings against Pickel am Po

We were able to cover the pickles with clogged tallow drüsen, so that they were completely removed from the skin and thus were thoroughly peeled and removed from the skin.

The other high heels are a barrier, the air flow, the hair follicle that does not aim Luft and thus becomes schneller. A peeling is performed during the cleaning of other high temperatures and can take a while before it is cleaned.

Bridging: In some Peelings on the Drogeriemarkt microplastic is removed, that is the environment damaged. Greif lieber zu Peelings mit natural inhaltstoffen.

4. Wash clothes hot

Good hygiene is unacceptable, if you work the Pickel am Po dauerhaft loose. It is not necessary to follow the hygiene regulations, but the correct washing and regularity of the hand wash of Handtüchern, Waschlappen & Co.

A regular practice of the experts: after three months use! But also then, your unterwassche needs to be washed. A wash with a mental disability of 60 degrees is a splashing detergent with a disinfection for the textiles and all baking products.

More information: Who often sollte ich meinen Washlap wechseln?

5. Sensitiv-Waschmittel used

Manchmal can give a hint about Pickeln on a response to the waschmittel. Viele washing powder or liquid washing medium enthalten hautreizende inhaltsstoffe wie z. B. Parfum and these bearings in the crop Kleidung ab.

Picture yourself Butt, in this case you should also test another detergent. I am very sensitive to an ultra-sensitive detergent for allergies. If you see the perfume, dye and preservative, it is perfect for baby clothes. When it comes to laundry, it is often a delay.

6. Healthy food

There is no question of an uninterested stream coming from the air and damn the Entstehung von Pickeln. In Essen with Fast Food there are many types or dairy products that the main ticket verscheurn and Pickel am Po begin.

Also consider that you will be able to follow through. And all in all: Trinkenug! I am best 2L Wasser pro Tag. This is the best way to test your bag with Mint tea drinks. Denn Minze has embarrassed the American-American Wissenschaftlern and expanded the higher image.

7. Hygiene on the beach

Pickel am Po can also be picked up during the race. A rotten pustule vorzubeugen, sollte bei der Rasur always a sharp knife were used. Achte auch darauf, die Haut vor dem Rasieren zu cleansen en schließend zu disinfizieren. Gerade in the inner region is the most important, we will of course spend more time cooking here.

Sollte man Pickel am Po ausdrücken?

If you are aware, if you see the damage of Pickel in the Furunkeln or the Abszessen-twickeln, you can test the fall yourself.

Wer Pickel am Po ausdrückt, riskiert serious Komplikationen. The gold-plated accessories are also used for Eiterpickel as well as for unterirdische Pickel or encapsulated Pickel am Po.

Der Grund: Bakterien, die sich auf der upper Hautschicht (oder den Händen), with emphasis on the Ausdrücken des Pickels in de entstandene Wund ein en können een noch stärkere Entzündung verursachen. If you lose the Pickel the most, you will also lose the Finger davon!

Only personal protection is Pickel auspücken. In this respect is a solitary wall-free hygiene. If the design of the affected headgear is affected, the use of a manually operated, sterile tool, with its operating system comedone extractor and a sweaty disinfection after drying out.

Pickel am Po: When will there be an art?

In the Arrangement that Pickel can bring to the highest levels, the days on which we live or the Wochen themselves can change, change.

In some cases, hair loss can go beyond a follicle inflammation, a hair loss or such hair growth. It is one of the most important things that the baker terrier can prepare again. Je nach Größe and Grad der Entzündung are antibiotic Salben the middle of the wahl.

Eiterpickel, Furunkel or Abszess?

The taste is greater than “normal” Pickel am Po and rich in stronger Hautschichten hinein. The Entzündung is here on the Haarbalg and the ultimate Bindegewebe is extensive.

In particular, if you lie and the man sits on the made-up position, you will suffer pain. If the infection spreads or goes further, the serious Pickel can end in an Abszess were. This may be a longer and more intensive treatment.

If you have the Befürchtung, if the Pusteln has a grim development or a Furunkel or an Abszess-bildet or the Pickel in Po Schmerzen has, it is worth having Hausarzt bzw. your Hausärztin or a dermatological Praxis aufsuchen.

Etwas Wichtiges zum Schluss: Pickel am Po since it was all normal and there is no shame in itself. If you are not sure that the highest level is important, it is best to make the right decision.