
Cosmetic industry rears Umsatz trotz sparsamer Verbraucher • news • onvista

Cosmetic industry rears Umsatz trotz sparsamer Verbraucher • news • onvista

FRANKFURT (dpa-AFX) – The German cosmetics industry can use the growing Konsumstimmung in the country on the scaffolding. There is a 2.0% discount on 12.3 billion euros from the Industrieverband Körperpflege- und Washmittel (IKW) in Frankfurt Mitteilt. The amount of laundry with detergent and cleaning agent is 8.3 percent of the value last time at 4.1 billion euros.

Half of the industry is a strong German business. Here is the value of 7.3 percent on 10.4 billion euros. In cosmetics, there are articles for hygiene, such as cleaning products, cleaning products, detergents and universal cleaners. “Erneut said that there was a department Strong in one of the swachen Konjunkturumfeld”, said IKW-Geschäftsführer Thomas Keiser. Beauty and Sauberkeit have a Verbeucher Priorität.

The Auslandsgeschäft der Branche kühlte sich dag ab and lag im ersten Halbjahr with 6.0 Billiarden Euro Umsatz 2.6 Prozent unter Vorjahr. If you spend more years in exporting the market, this is a market passage stage.

The IKW employs 440 workers with 50,000 work places. These Mitgliedsfirmen stehen nach Verbandsangaben für more as 95 Prozent des deutschen Marktes./als/DP/stk