
Lindner held after FDP-Wahlpleiten am Verbleib in Ampel fest

Lindner held after FDP-Wahlpleiten am Verbleib in Ampel fest

BERLIN (dpa-AFX) – FDP Vice-President Christian Lindner admits that after the heavy defeat contest he will participate in the Landtagswahlen in Saxony and Thuringia at the Ampel coalition in the Bund. The FDP has joined forces and its coalition agreement, the Federal Minister of Finance said in Berlin. There is a wider distribution of the German FDP striker candidates Thomas Kemmerich, one of the liberals from the Ampel army. “Here we have different assumptions,” says Lindner.

FDP Landeschef fordert Ausstieg aus der Ampel

The FDP war in both Bundesländern Deutsch and der Fünf-Prozent-Hürde is separated and abolished is not the Landtage. Kemmerich has power over the FDP’s government involvement in the responsible Bund. “Die Ampel has suffered damage in my Augen Deutschland and how the FDP for Ort and wahrscheinlich auch bundesweit harms,” ​​said er. “The Leute is not one day, but we will continue to regulate it.” Auf Nachfrage said Kemmerich: “I am for the Ausstieg from the Ampel.”

Lindner has not won any prizes for a day for the coalition project of SPD, Greens and FDP with the Wachstums initiative. “It is better, these demands will come now, if that does not come”, it was stated concretely.

Lindner advocates the Neuordnung der Asylpolitik

The party of the democratic centers must above all trade, like Lindner. The Wählerinnen and Wähler have the clear Botschaft-gesendet, it is müsse sich etwas ändern in Deutschland. “And if we ask ourselves how the Schnauze voll davon is, the State will have lost control at a trip and Asyl in Germany.” Man wants to see a lost here.

The FDP supporters have ensured that all the basic principles of the Reorganization of the Wanderer and Asylum Policy have been abolished. There is concrete, which is the FDP’s “no reason to think” policy./sk/DP/mis