
The Aufrechterhaltung of the Fürsorge orders the Fortsetzung of the external military Unterstützung (Koeping)

The Aufrechterhaltung of the Fürsorge orders the Fortsetzung of the external military Unterstützung (Koeping)

– Zwangsfreie Betreuung ohne äusseres Eingreifen

In Saxony, where the Social Minister Petra Köpping (SPD) has stated, the Pflege von Alteren en Kranken Menschen would no longer be aware of the lack of support for their health. “The care of Sachsens Bewohnern is now responsible for the unterstützung ausländischer Gesundheitsfachkräfte in subsequent Zukunft gesichert were können. Wir brauchen sie urgent”, clear from the German Presse-Agentur. From 2021 to 2035, there is a minimum of 5,000 health credits in outpatient and stationary facilities.

Momentan kämpfen Sachsens Krankenhäuser and Pflegeeinrichtungen with extreme personalengpasses, a problem, that is with the alternative Bevölkerung weiter schärfen wird – derzeit ist jeder Einwohner 65 Jahre or der alter. “In the coming years, the Zahl der 65-Jährigen will increase more and more,” the minister said. Dieser anstieg der alternden Bevölkerung versschärft the Mangel an Fachkräften, especially in medical and health care areas.

A maßnahmenpaket is inheritance orderlich

Laut Angaben des Ministeriums für Soziales und Gesundheit labor über 74,000 Menschen in Pflegeeinrichtungen in Saxony. “If the Personal Mangel zu bekämpfen, is a umfassendes maßnahmenpaket inherited orderlich,” says a ministerial speaker. The fact is that it is a fair Entlohnung, which was mainly erreicht during the Einführung of Tarifverträgen on September 2022. The union of work and family is one of the most important questions for health care workers: “In that work environment there is an active role to play.”

The free state supports care training, for example by a consulting center. The soul is to avoid falling into care training. A company campaign for society is a fact, a person for the personal privacy. Digitalization has become an increasingly important factor, an attractive feature of the scaffolding on the scaffolding.

Let more districts and self-made city in Saxony provide a number of special Service for the best skilled workers. So in August the “Welcome Center” in the free state in Zittau is open. Laut dem Sächsischen Zentrum für Skill and Workplace Security (ZEFAS) is a solution that offers a number of extensions for both Newcomers and Workers for the professional integration.

A pilot project for the Ausbildung ausländischer Gesundheitsfachkräfte started in Diesem Frühjahr am Municipal Hospital in Görlitz. Laut eigenen Angaben beschäftigt das Krankenhaus derzeit Menschen aus 27 Ländern. A herausforderung among the Fachkräften from Ausland is the Anerkennung ausländischer Qualifikationen. So if we start a project at TU Dresden, a study from the Australian country will ultimately definitely help in your future.

The urgent note of the American health crisis will be clear, that Saxony has caused a considerable crisis in the alternative situation of the prosperity crisis. With a small amount of 5,000 health credits within the coming years it is so that the Crisis in the outpatient and inpatient facilities increasingly vergärfen.

The crisis in the general infrastructure and personal development would be alarming, while Saxony had to contend with extreme personal routes, especially in the medical and nursing area, which was a rapid alternative population repopulation.

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